I heard a line on a TV show a while back: "You're the type of guy who demands respect instead of commanding respect" (or something to that effect). That's what I think of whenever I see one of the nu-riche tech entrepreneurs who is all like "naw, bro, I got them fat stacks, yo" and refuses to even approach something like respectable business attire. They're not someone who is worth taking money from. They're just a thug who got lucky and doesn't realize that their fame and fortune can turn around and disappear just as quickly as it came to them.
I heard a line on a TV show a while back: "You're the type of guy who demands respect instead of commanding respect" (or something to that effect). That's what I think of whenever I see one of the nu-riche tech entrepreneurs who is all like "naw, bro, I got them fat stacks, yo" and refuses to even approach something like respectable business attire. They're not someone who is worth taking money from. They're just a thug who got lucky and doesn't realize that their fame and fortune can turn around and disappear just as quickly as it came to them.