Lately I find it necessary to find out before watching a movie if they want to tell a story or just plainly sell you their political agenda to avoid wasting my time. The best ways I have to try and filter out some of them before hand is checking rotten tomatoes scores (if the audience is much higher than the critics this is a good sign, the opposite a very bad sign) or looking at some reviews and searching for a couple of keywords (people complaining about it inserting politics, etc).
Don't get me wrong, it's not about not having politics or political messages, I'm fine with stories with political messages but not with political messages masqareiding as stories.
I'm thinking of building a website where people can "rate" as woke or not movies since I crave an easy way to filter them out or find those movies which might be unconstrained by the religious restrictions of wokeness, does this exist? If not would people be interested in it?
Look at the main characters (who you'll recognize in the first few minutes if not the poster). Woke movies never, ever will have a straight, White male as the lead and will often have the progressive stack in place before the ink on the script is even dry so expect Black, Brown, Yellow or whatever or a White woman being led or helped by a Black male. The White male, when he shows up, will inevitably be dumb as dogshit and a burden to the group. See: Black Summer.