250 years is not a good lifespan. That’s short enough to be embarrassing. For frame of reference, the country of my parents was started a thousand years ago and is still going strong today.
America is the best country in the world, period. Don’t blame leftists. They suck but they are what, 20-30% of the population? They’re misfits and losers on top of that. So how are they dictating anything?
People stopped caring about God and clung to their wealth instead. That’s why they don’t speak up and why Conservatives are losing. Rather than being destructive and subversive like the left, they are merely cowardly and dishonest.
It wasn’t just wealth though. People caved in to women 100% of the time. We began the decline with the women’s rights movement. They wanted the vote, to work, to run the church... basically to be men. And because men wanted easy sex instead of doing the right thing, they gave in. Now we live in a freaking feminine hellscape where everyone is a victim and needs special attention, especially the poor blacks.
Oh some poor kid drowned or got dropped from a fence? Just let all the immigrants come in. It’s so sad!
That’s what this verdict was about. Women. No more rule of law and benefit of the doubt. We’re running on feelz now. The video made me feel sad about the poor drugged out black loser so Chauvin must go to prison.
Godless simp Christians and Conservatives put us here.
The Country of your parents, KRZYZOWIEC? Polska zginęła już. 4 raz zginęła. Co żyje teraz nie jest tym samem kraj jak był. Nawet Lud jest inny. Kultura też. Nic nie jest siły lub mocny wystarczyjący i największość polaków nie kochają wolności, nie są gotowych na wojnę. Bycie "Narudowcą" nie jest czegoś że normalny polacy są lub chcę być lub wierzą jest dobra.
It's an okay country. Better than most and there is hope. But it's not the same country and it has died multiple times. It's certainly not 1000 years old. More like 20.
250 years is not a good lifespan. That’s short enough to be embarrassing. For frame of reference, the country of my parents was started a thousand years ago and is still going strong today.
America is the best country in the world, period. Don’t blame leftists. They suck but they are what, 20-30% of the population? They’re misfits and losers on top of that. So how are they dictating anything?
People stopped caring about God and clung to their wealth instead. That’s why they don’t speak up and why Conservatives are losing. Rather than being destructive and subversive like the left, they are merely cowardly and dishonest.
It wasn’t just wealth though. People caved in to women 100% of the time. We began the decline with the women’s rights movement. They wanted the vote, to work, to run the church... basically to be men. And because men wanted easy sex instead of doing the right thing, they gave in. Now we live in a freaking feminine hellscape where everyone is a victim and needs special attention, especially the poor blacks.
Oh some poor kid drowned or got dropped from a fence? Just let all the immigrants come in. It’s so sad!
That’s what this verdict was about. Women. No more rule of law and benefit of the doubt. We’re running on feelz now. The video made me feel sad about the poor drugged out black loser so Chauvin must go to prison.
Godless simp Christians and Conservatives put us here.
The Country of your parents, KRZYZOWIEC? Polska zginęła już. 4 raz zginęła. Co żyje teraz nie jest tym samem kraj jak był. Nawet Lud jest inny. Kultura też. Nic nie jest siły lub mocny wystarczyjący i największość polaków nie kochają wolności, nie są gotowych na wojnę. Bycie "Narudowcą" nie jest czegoś że normalny polacy są lub chcę być lub wierzą jest dobra.
It's an okay country. Better than most and there is hope. But it's not the same country and it has died multiple times. It's certainly not 1000 years old. More like 20.
Bzdury. Jak możesz pisać taki głupi rzeczy? „Jeszcze nie zgubiony.” Czy to w ogóle ma dla ciebie znaczenie?
Cały świat jest taki sam. Zło rośnie, ponieważ ludzie są słabi. Nigdy powiedziałem że jest inaczej w Polsce.
Myślę że nie byłeś tam ponieważ różnica jest noc i dzień. Ten kraj umiera, a Polska nie. Ten proces cyrkowy jest jeszcze większym dowodem na to.