I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks regarding what elements of the current Marxist crusade have become firmly entrenched enough in Western culture to persist on through the coming decades. While I do understand that much of this stuff has been fermenting in academia for a good long while I'm not sure what can withstand the test of time within wider society.
Some examples of what I'm talking about would be : Announced pronouns , made up genders , historical revisionism regarding race and sexuality, targeted animosity towards whites via entertainment , denial of biological sex and a turning a blind eye towards child grooming etc etc
All of it will persist unless people actually do something to stop the ongoing marxist cultural revolution.
For sure people need to push back against it. I'm sure some elements will be more persistent than others though and I would love to hear which ones you think are more deeply entrenched.
I think targeted animosity towards whites via entertainment is most entrenched because the small group of elites who control Hollywood/MSM will never stop pushing this.
The trans ideology is a close second because the left needs to push this in order for their quest to change human biological nature. The announced pronouns is also likely to persist.
(((small group of elites)))
Authoritarian police statism will be a permanent side effect. I'd on entry for almost everything.
They'll get us used to holding up covid vaccine cards then just shift it to id/passports.
Curfews for a certain demographic or if not curfews retaliatory late night inspection.
Massive hysteria and panic every flu season and other ism under fear of covid. Expect it to be used as an excuse to disappear people. "they had covid so we have them in reprogram-isolation.".