posted ago by BewareTheSuperman ago by BewareTheSuperman +73 / -0

To us harbingers of the approaching misery, every action taken by the establishment breeds ever greater thoughts of doom, but to many normies (read: those without critical thinking skills) there is either no issue at hand, or the blatant negatives are a positive. Their ride will hit the brick wall, eventually, and they'll swear they didn't see it coming, but that's not the subject of today's anemic circlejerk of a rant.

No, the current issue at hand is a seemingly innocuous and overexposed event that serves as the cherry on top of the increasingly shitty sundae that is the modern US military. An event that has too many normies shouting "Yas, Queen Slay!" to every bint in a camouflage uniform, and other such idiotic vernacular.

Of course, I'm referring to the disturbingly nigh-universal servicewide pushback against Tucker Carlson's recent calls against pregnant women in the armed forces.

Totally controversial opinion: "Clapbacks" (ugh) should never be performed while in uniform.

So controversial, in fact, that in more reasonable times, painting your service in a negative light by publicly disparaging a civilian, really anyone, while in uniform was a punishable offense.

Now? You have Generals liking tweets from commands doing as such.


Let me be clear: the US Military is, by design, an apolitical institution. It ostensibly serves as the spear and shield of the American nation. It effectively serves as the enforcement arm of the American Government's will abroad, but does so without blatant favoritism towards whichever uniparty rep is seemingly in charge that day.

Once their public policy of political neutrality goes out the window -- regardless of how they're leaning, but of course it's Leftism because 20-fucking-21 -- all bets are off. It's clear where the wind is blowing, and it does not favor the greater US populace.

The military gets political, it's more likely to make an enemy out of those it deems antithetical to its politics, and since Leftism is opposed by millions of John and Jane Americans, well...

Let's just say I have little faith that there will be any pushback within the service when the 2025 food riots are met with lethal force.