Has anyone noticed the use of the word "partner" instead of husband/wife? Maybe I am crazy but I see that online as well as hear that on tv. It just seems like another thing where the vast majority of people have to change something that most see as normal/common to accommodate a few.
That kind of reminds me of an actress who was speaking at the college graduation at a women's college and told the women that they can be anything they wanted, achieve anything they wanted, or marry any man they wanted. This was in 05 so the attacks on her weren't many but a gay group did attack her for not including gays in they marrying part. Somebody on the radio said that people are free to live how they want but the fact of the matter is that heterosexuality is the norm in society, and to act like it isn't is absurd.
I'm a very much live and let live person, but I do find it ridiculous today with the whole diversity/inclusion obsession that we have pretend that small percentages of people make up a much larger amount or have to ignore basic reality.
I agree with the point you're making, but people use 'partner' for all kinds of reasons. I use it because saying 'boyfriend/girlfriend' once you get over the age of 25 makes you sound like a child, and saying 'husband' makes it sound like I'm doing the 'look at me, I'm a woman teehee' thing. I'd sooner have people online assume that I'm a gay man rather than a woman, so I just say partner.
What do you mean by “look at me I’m a woman”? I’m a man so why would it be odd to refer to my wife as my wife? I also have heard the term mother and father are under fire by some. I guess I’m just tired of the gender neutral stuff where it isn’t needed.
Not trying to argue with you just want some clarification.
It’s not always so much about “maturity” though as it is about being self conscious about almost like playing a character. Like someone that orders drinks at a bar like they’re Frank Sinatra or some shit