posted ago by SilverReality1 ago by SilverReality1 +26 / -0

I downloaded a browser extension that allows me to hide search results, and it works in Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo etc.

I am in the process of populating my blacklist with the likes of Kotaku, Polygon IGN etc.The idea here is that when I perform a search for something gaming related, lets say Cyberpunk 2077, then I will not be shown results from the sites I add to the blacklist.

I do this to avoid giving clicks to woke, dishonest, corrupt and just downright shitty websites giving platforms to racists, communists and far-left ideologues.

So far, I have been using the list of must archive sites on the KIA2 Reddit wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction2/wiki/mustarchivelist

Anyone have any to add?