Since this whole Wuhu flu fiasco started, I've been trying to buy local more and buy American to help out small businesses since they've been hit hardest. It really hit me how difficult it is to actually procure products sold by small businesses that are made in the US. My hair wax, for instance. It took me a whole day of researching to find hair wax that is made in the US and actually sold by a small business and not some mega corp like Amazon or Walmart.
So I bring this question to you gents. How much effort do you put into trying to buy something American made? If so, how do you go about it?
I decided maybe it was time for a new pillow. So I ordered from MyPillow, a genuine all-American company.
As far as my usual shopping goes, I don't do much outside of grocery these days. For a while, I'd been about half-Walmart half-Schnucks, slowly favoring Schnucks more and more. Well, a Dollar General just opened up in my village (a really small village with next to no business, 8 miles from a more modernized town). I'm not sure how bad some of the other non-Walmart chains get, but I am definitely understanding a need to avoid Walmart.
How's the pillow?
Just got it. Almost freaked out at the shape it came delivered, but followed the instructions (a 15 minute dryer cycle before first use), and those things expanded like you wouldn’t believe. It’s a nice balance of soft yet firm.
Thanks for the reply, been wondering still. Cheers