I prefer to rewatch older movies like the Indiana Jones Trilogy (if it was made now Indy would be a cuck no doubt), Star Wars OT, The Godfather, Heat etc. not to mention watch shows like The Sopranos and Stargate SG-1 or play games like GTA IV, The Witcher 2 Mass Effect 2 etc.
All the shit from the past 6+ years or so has been far left propaganda and anti white men. I'm sick of smug bitchy "strong" female characters, lgbt+ degeneracy everywhere and way too many black characters.
They have butchered so many iconic franchises its just depressing
There are a handful of games which come out which are good so I tend to pay attention to those. Mostly from Devs who aren't based in the modern leftie west but there are always pleasant exceptions.
Movies and TV this isn't the year for anyway, but I've not really had things to watch for a couple of years now anyway. Really once you get out of the cycle of needing to consume the content shortly after it's released, and into the habit of not caring about spoilers and just waiting a month for people you trust on the matter to give their opinion then the current hellscape becomes much easier to navigate and seek out the few good examples.