Still subscribed to Games Done Quick on YouTube — why at this point I don’t know, and they’re doing a female centric marathon called Fleet Fatales 2020, so of course my subscription feed is saturated with the recordings of the event.
Considering the crowd that has co-opted these events it’s not really shocking, but all the same amusing that a female centric speed run event has so many obvious male-to-female trannies running games; at least half of the submissions best I can tell.
The speedrunning "community" is full of autistic men who have a much higher likelihood of becoming a MTF tranny.
I never been a fan of speedrunning so atleast in this case, I have lost nothing of value.
It is a shame for those who like speedrunning and are still sane.
While I like speed running, the quality of chosen games at GDQ has been dropping for years anyway. Most of the runs are just...boring.