No doubt that we crossed a political Rubicon during this election for better and for worse, judging on how Pedo Joe is cheating his way in, for worse. People are giving their freedoms away in order to get a chance of Ambrosia (Sorry for the Deus Ex references, it's scary how close reality and the game are), while calling people who protest these lockdowns and bullshit measures, Fascist, Nazi, etc. Tensions on both sides are building up and I believe we heading into either a Massive Civil War or Balkanization Event that will make Yugoslavia look like child's play.
I personally stop giving a shit about politics after this "election", and wanting to live my life to fullest during these 2 months. I'm been splashing my cash a bit more (Buying 75 dollar bottles of whiskey, $400 military surplus rifles, etc.), and wondering if anyone else is feeling the same way.
I'm buying gold because the economy is nowhere out of the woodwork yet, and the monetary system will be reset.
If it's under Trump, we'll probably get some sort of partial change to the currency, but it will only happen after velocity explodes and causes inflation to absolutely spike.
If it's under Biden, he'll crash the economy into a depression, killing off middle and small businesses that would pose a potential threat to all but the largest corporate structures, then use that to introduce a full digital currency through the international banks, have personal control over the economy, and govern all of your habits with entitlement checks that are auto-deposited into your digital wallets in order to compensate for the now permanent runaway inflation. Those entitlements will be tied to your social credit score with his new social justice credit bureau, and the indefinite, but localized, quarantine regulations. (For example, you won't be able to use your digital wallet outside 30 miles from your residence, or something like that. If you're in a lockdown, you just won't be able to spend money unless your purchase is aligned with a good that has been approved as 'essential' by the banks & government). A shadow economy will erupt, and all hell might break loose.
My co-workers laughed and laughed about buying gold. These are the same people who told me we weren't going into a recession as the stock market dropped 400 points every day or every other day. Slow learners, I guess.
How exactly is gold going to help you?
Gold is a long-term store of purchasing power. I have a significant savings. With inflation, that savings will lose is purchasing power. Gold will help to keep it initially. When gold begins to drop in price, I will need to exchange it to another asset to hold it's value.