Someone found the identities of Portland Antifa
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I get what you're saying. So far I haven't seen anyone suggest action, more the thought that it's helpful to know your enemy. Also these people would literally stick a knife in your back knowing that you post on this site, something to consider.
Name one time antifa hurt anyone, ill wait.......
No no it's your lying white supremacist eyes. It's all trump supporters dressed in black doing all the looting and killing. Checkmate bigot
You cannot be serious. Whether it's bike lock professor, the guy who loved immigrants so much he tried to blow a bunch of them up, or the guy who shot an unsuspecting trump supporter dead... I could go on but I know you'll just tell me they weren't true scotsmen and we'll be back where we started.
insert smiley troll face :) Just pulling your leg
Dammit. You got me.