I’m wondering what the media and all these people bashing Trump about Covid wanted him to do? I mean his response wasn’t perfect but good grief the fear porn was off the charts. I remember when I saw the death rate I was shocked that the media reported it like a zombie apocalypse. If Biden wins I’m thinking it will get downplayed or he institutes a lock down. I can see my risk and adjust while living mr life. Not sure what people want.
With Obama I had never seen the media give someone such fawning coverage and Trump is the opposite. Without Covid he wins easily but the media succeeded in scaring people for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate.
They were going to complain either way. If he was as draconian as theybsay he should have been, theybwould have been all “See! See! He is truly the fascist we’ve been warning you about fornall these years!” With maybe another round of impeachment hearings