Someone needs to make a "new testament" to karl marx's book cause its not just about class struggle anymore is it? They turned it in to "race or gender or sexuality or anything under the sun identity(including fat) struggle"
Though the old school commies did actually have a bit of that race or gender struggle if you look it up , but there was much more focus on "class" but now they make it more focused on race, gender, sexuality, etc. etc. with class struggle still being there but more in the background.
I assume this is by design because it conveniently shifted attention away from the elites.
Occupy Wall Street scared the shit out of them.
I think you could argue it would have happened anyways, but that's sort of irrelevant at this point considering how the media reports on these issues. We know that at a minimum the elites are taking advantage of the situation by hyper focusing on it, pushing it, and never being critical of it.
occupy wall street was funded by george soros, it's founders have direct financial ties with this fucker.