So the ease of access to it is the same root as the obesity problem. Normal human desires made too easy to achieve through the quality of life presented by modern society. And much like obesity, it can really only be defeated by restraint and discipline.
You must be a carpenter you hit the nail on the head so perfectly.
But, unlike food, nobody wants to talk to their kids about titties and masturbation (for good reason) so they are mostly left on their own to swim in it. And it really ruins them before they are even old enough to recognize it.
Most people don't even get to talk to their kids about moderating food intake. It's often not that they don't want to, it's just that it's not a topic the kids want to engage in. It's boring. It involves responsibility, being future-conscious, etc. But it's worth the discomfort on both ends, at least that's what I've found.
You must be a carpenter you hit the nail on the head so perfectly.
Most people don't even get to talk to their kids about moderating food intake. It's often not that they don't want to, it's just that it's not a topic the kids want to engage in. It's boring. It involves responsibility, being future-conscious, etc. But it's worth the discomfort on both ends, at least that's what I've found.