YesThisIsHe 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Not at all, live with whom you want - it's just not a 'marriage' if you redefine marriage to be whomever wants to marry whomever then why are you deliberately limiting it to that. Why not redefine it so you can have multiple partners, like polygamy and the mormons do?"

"Now you're being stupid, marriage is between two people only!"

I look forward to the polyarmoury weirdos sincerely arguing this position soon.

YesThisIsHe 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's an escape from reality. A big problem with it is people are mistaking the online for real life, and a lot of that is down to how addictive things on them become.

What's funny is when you concentrate on a single thing, without the distractions of a phone, TV or whatever, you'll find yourself taking much more pleasure in the task and a job well done. You'll lose track of time, in a good way, and be achieving tangible results rather than imaginary numbers on a server somewhere that don't actually matter.