WalkerTXSRanger1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are talking about being in the middle east and isis solders that dont give a f$$k. American men and men from isis are on complete different ends of the spectrum. An isis solder will not let a women get away with any of that behavior. The lefty women would rather die than not be able to act a fool or give up any rights. Leftys always want more when it comes to that, they dont want to give up shit.

A conservative women isn't going to stand up against isis because they dont want to get raped or their head chopped off. They would want to come back home so they would submit for the time being. In the US they will stand up because they generally dont have to worry about things like that.

I would agree if we were talking about men from the US but we aren't. There is a big difference in customs between being here or in Iraq / Afghanistan.

WalkerTXSRanger1776 4 points ago +5 / -1

In my mind i picture them lining up to be executed before that. If it was women from where I'm originally from (small town conservative values) then yes. If its women from where I'm at now (denver) then I would say no for the most part.

WalkerTXSRanger1776 16 points ago +16 / -0

One year? They won't make it a week. The problem is they don't realize how good they have it. They can barely cope in normal society, could you imagine if they had no rights? I agree though ship the ungrateful ones out for an all expenses paid vacation where they are dropped off in the desert with isis.