So, moving forward on this GOTY system, I'm proposing the below categories.

To see which categories you are all interested in, if you chose to participate, I'd like you to state in a new comment below which categories you approve of, which categories you would like to remove. Any response is welcome, but if you would like to be simple, an aye or nay after the name of a category will work fine.

If you would like to make a new category, reply directly to the post in a new comment. I'll try to add it to the list.

If someone has proposed a new category in the comment section, and you would like to approve or reject it. Reply to that category proposal stating your approval or rejection. Again, Aye or Nay are fine.

I will tabulate the proposed categories both here and on Reddit. The minimum for a category to be included in our GOTY considerations will be at least 12 more ayes than nays (since the electoral body will be of 12 electors). Primarily, we will need at least 12 people to care.

I don't intend to be too strict about the categories as they are defined, I want the electors to basically suss out what should or shouldn't be given the merit/demerit. Even if a game is not from 2020 because the genera has turned to shit, I wouldn't mind if the electors decided that's good enough. It's not about what is "objectively" best. Objective value does not exist (fuck you Marx), but what matters is that we make a recommendation to bring attention to good quality products... and to bring infamy against the morons occupying our hobby as a skin-suit.

We're not voting for electors yet, but if you think you might want to do it, you should start thinking about it now. You'll have to cast votes on these categories.

I'm keeping track of the voting record if it gets confusing. Ask me if you want to audit your yays & nays.

Basic Award Categories:

  • Game of the Year | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best Shooter | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best RPG | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best MMO | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best Adventure game | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best Platformer | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best Hack & Slash | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best Music | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best Art & Visuals | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best Anime | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best Manga | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best Card game | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best Board game | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best Comic | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best Movie | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best TV show | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best Podcast | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best Anime Tiddies | +2 -0 = 2
  • Best Surprise | +3 -0 = 3
  • Best Weebshit | +3 -0 = 3

Meritorious awards:

  • Strongest anti-SJW stance | +3 -0 = 3
  • Strongest anti-Communist stance | +3 -0 = 3


  • Most Expected Failure
  • The "Zoe Quinn Award" for biggest degeneracy for influence peddling | +3 -0 = 3
  • The "Golden Pooh" for most subservient to the CCP | +3 -0 = 3
  • The "White Feather" for most aggressive Feminist propaganda | +3 -0 = 3
  • The "Gamers are Dead" award for shittiest game journalism piece of the year | +3 -0 = 3
  • The "Rainbow Yo-Noid" award for most pathetic corporate virtue signal | +3 -0 = 3
  • The "Gingers Don't Have Souls" award for most egregious case of race-swapping propaganda | +3 -0 = 3
  • The "Gone Home" award for most overrated piece of shit | +3 -0 = 3
  • The "Learn To Code" award for worst entertainment journalism | +2 -0 = 2
  • The "Walter Durranty" prize for worst act of journalistic malfeasance | +2 -0 = 2
  • The "Crossed Wires" award for most egregious personal fetish insert | +3 -0 = 3

Additional Categories:


See above. Let me know if shit's gone sideways.


This should be self-evident from the title, but I'm curious if the community would like to create an award listing and maybe some categories for games that we believe should be recognized and praised.

Considering that game journos are all Leftist pinko trash who should be helicoptered to the nearest volcano as the enemies of the people, and are at the very best: best a bunch of worthless bio-lenninst failures who's only goal in life is to be nothing more than corporate cock-sleeves using access-journalism to gatekeep themselves into positions of narcissistic self-importance within a giant incestuous harem of degeneracy and corporate cuckoldry, of which, even the light & majesty of God can not re-moralize. Given all that, we should probably just rely on our own experiences to disseminate the valuable human capital of what is, and is not, a shitty game.

Given that there is not much in the way of anti-Leftist gaming institutions, and given that any institution that is not explicitly anti-Leftist is destined to be subverted by Leftism, I was thinking that we could serve as an anti-Leftist platform that could give praise and attention to game developers as an anti-parallel institution to Leftists.

If you want, I can offer up some categories and an electoral process that I think would work and would prevent fraud, corruption, and brigading. I'll leave my ideas in the comments, but I'd like your input on if we should undergo such an award system.


u/Fatguy666 had a comment that was auto-removed for being a link to The Conservative Treehouse. After testing, it appears that all links to The Conservative Treehouse are auto-removed, but are approvable by moderators. If you use a TCT link in a post or comment on Reddit, please make sure to ping us so we know that we should check to approve it.

Why you would go to Reddit, I don't know, because fuck that gay shit in the taint.


I think the best plan here is to create a meta-thread that you all can help contribute to. Feel free to link Live Streams, Update Threads, and glorious, glorious, reactions.

Don't forget to bring up the threads for Leftists (Like Bloomberg) where the salt should be palatable. That, or the smugness.

Live threads

Overly certain predictions that could age badly

7 Stages of Grief


  • ...




  • ...




Being Smug


As u/borga has unfortunately discovered. Zero Hedge has been added to the Tier 5 list of sites. Meaning that all links to the website in any form are automatically removed from Reddit. Even as comments. Even as posts. Even for just the main page of the website. Even in if I approve the comment/post.

Thank you for coming to the not-shithole version of KIA

If you do go back to Reddit, hopefully you are doing so in order to usher people here, and do not actually say thedonald.win or the donald dot win because that will also be automatically removed from Reddit.


Reddit has apparently now added The Gateway Pundit to it's Tier 5 list of censored sites. This means that NO post, link, or comment to The Gateway Pundit is allowed on the site, anywhere. Saying it repeatedly could also be a violation of some kind.

r/Conservative seems to believe that the site was removed because they linked to a copy of a Hunter Biden Sex Tape, and this violates their rule on "Involuntary Pornography". The tape itself was actually released by a Chinese organization.


I just noticed that Mct1 and Akai_ferret had their comments removed by the Reddit auto-filter for using the words:

  • "thedonald.win"
  • "the donald dot win"

while having no actual links to any .win site. I know that some of you all cross post there, so it's actually quite hard for me to just simply describe what the Admins are doing when I can't even say it.


I've noticed some misinformation taking root after last night's shooting in Portland. The mainstream media seems to be claiming that the shooting was the result of Trump sending in supporters into downtown Portland in order to create chaos, with them bringing weapons and starting fights.

I also heard some people saying that there basically wasn't any major Trump supporter presence in Portland.

I have seen little evidence of this, though I do see communist insurrectionists agitating. Some of the Trump supporting vehicles did burnouts. There are some minor scuffles, but nothing of any major significance. For the most part, it looks like regular communist agitation & mild violence being met with obstinance and defensive actions.

According to KOIN 6, there were hundreds of vehicles and thousands of people. One of the people on the ground claimed there was over 600 vehicles.

See below, and decide for yourself:







TheAndredal made an awesome post on Reddit, but I had to remove it. I've copied it on both here and Saidit. You should thank him.

Apparantly these mostly peaceful protests have committed more murder

Marauding BLM auxiliary gangs are going around Minneapolis and trying to stop independent journalists from filming in public. They steal this woman’s phone


I've been speaking w/journalists in #Kenosha who're covering the BLM riots. They've witnessed & have recorded antifa black bloc participating in organized violence using Portland-style tactics. One tells me they're pressuring black youths to participate in property destruction.


Trump is continuing to urge Portland Mayor @tedwheeler & @OregonGovBrown to bring in the National Guard to assist Portland Police in ending the daily #antifa riots. So far, they refuse. Wheeler's plan is to let the riots end on their own schedule.


While BLM & antifa rioters have been destroying the Portland economy & causing public mayhem for three straight months, Portland Mayor @tedwheeler promoted a coronavirus relief fund exclusively for blacks. #PortlandRiots


Portland Police are suffering from extreme officer shortages. And yet, antifa rioters force police to respond night-after-night to riots & arson attacks while Portlanders wait longer for police to respond to their urgent calls. #PortlandRiots


What happens in Portland doesn't stay there. The rioters stated mission is to abolish the rule of law. There's more than symbolism in them trying to burn down courthouses.


While antifa/BLM rioters rampaged through Portland & Kenosha last night, they also rioted in Seattle. They put quick drying cement on the SPD east precinct exit & tried to set the building on fire. #antifa


Hennepin County Attorney's Office released this document. Dr. Andrew Baker, the Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner who reviewed #GeorgeFloyd's blood test, says the substances found lead him to conclude it was an overdose death. #BlackLivesMatter. Read:


Portland Police are suffering from extreme officer shortages. And yet, antifa rioters force police to respond night-after-night to riots & arson attacks while Portlanders wait longer for police to respond to their urgent calls. #PortlandRiots


Rioter in #Kenosha knocks an elderly man to the ground while people are looting all around him. #BlackLivesMatter


The Multnomah County chair @dkafoury through the official @multco Twitter account pleads with antifa to not attack their detention facility tonight.

This is what weak leadership looks like. The politicians are pleading with domestic terrorists. #PortlandRiots #antifa


Hennepin County Attorney's Office released this document. Dr. Andrew Baker, the Chief Hennepin County Medical Examiner who reviewed #GeorgeFloyd's blood test, says the substances found lead him to conclude it was an overdose death. #BlackLivesMatter. Read:



Battle has officially begun in Kenosha


Multiple warnings have been given to disperse from the park. An assault appears to be underway


KENOSHA: black bloc Antifa with the help of #BLM rioters create street barricade to block armored vehicle from clearing the park


KENOSHA: boogaloo boy type militia comes to “protect” the BLM rioters. It’s getting weird


Real life shitposters:

KENOSHA: Spider-Man randomly shows up




KENOSHA: a stand-off begins in the streets outside the courthouse

The assembly had been declared illegal and remaining in place will result in criminal charges


BREAKING: law enforcement takes an aggressive offensive on #BLM rioters for the first time in 3 days KenoshaRiot is underway


KENOSHA: armed black bloc wait to ambush incoming law enforcement with a chunk of concrete in his hand


KENOSHA: with law enforcement incapable of defending private property

Armed groups have begun protecting the city from rioters

This man claimed they were friends of the business owner & were carrying only lethal rounds

They successful defended the property from the roof


Wisconsin: #Kenosha county courthouse under siege by #Antifa, #BLM, Associated group, & individuals. Laser, projectiles, Morten fireworks, shields and frontline defense tactics are being used to provoke response from National Guard.


“make it bigger, make it bigger” BLM rioters begin lighting the first fires of the night in the streets of #KENOSHA

A boogaloo boy puts it out


YIKES: #BLM rioters need a basic science lesson

As they light a large dumpster fire using accelerant and push it towards a gas station

If this doesn’t show you how well this group thinks through their actions, I don’t know if anything will


Rioter took a massive rubber bullet to the GUT Kenosha


KENOSHA: #BLM rioters light fires in the streets using a stolen flat bed they took from a construction site


Nice! Antifa doxing account thinks our reporter @ElijahSchaffer successfully does his job by showing the truth of what happens at these “peaceful protests” ?

Nothing to see here


KENOSHA: a young girl removes slabs of concrete from public property and breaks them apart so others can assault police officers

I took a video of her below with her mask down

Masks are often used to bring anonymity while committing & inciting criminal acts



BREAKING: #BLM rioters are destroying another car shop many blocks away


BREAKING (THREAD): to put the shooting into context in reverse order from most recent video backwards of each clip that explains the story

CLIP 1: this is the victim who was shot with a wound of what appears out of the head right before he rushed out in a truck KENOSHA






BREAKING: confirmed there were multiple victims in the shooting at the car shop including one who had his arm mangled by the impact of the munitions

I viewed images from photo journalist Alex Lourie that confirmed more victims

Drive by shootings also occurred


BREAKING they shot someone in the head at the #KENOSHA riot RIGHT NOW

I repeat someone has been shot in what appears to be the head while looting a car shop

I can not confirm the exact wound location but he’s white and losing a lot of blood

I will update who shot him!


Official witness making a statement to officers that it was the boogaloo boy militia protecting a business that was being destroyed

A second witness told me the same account off camera

That is what I thought I saw too but I had to confirm. Details can still change




GASLIGHTING: the shooter was a libertarian who said he was in support of the BLM movement

Also said he supported their right to protest and target government property

The group wasn’t even all white & openly said they were there to protect BLM



He a member (maybe unofficial) of a group to protect BLM from the government

While also protecting private property from criminals

If this gets turned into a race issue or some sort of white supremacist lie

Just know I won’t be surprised by the dishonesty


Washington Post dishonestly calls these people “protesters”

At the time of being shot they were destroying cars with metal bats, hammers, and boulders

They were openly rioting, vandalizing, and WaPo intentionally lies to the public

Evidence below


BREAKING: as the shooter fled the scene to surrender to the police

BLM rioters attacked him, he then fired back over what appears to be a scuffle to get control of his weapon

Details are still unclear. I was up front on the initial shooting only


BREAKING: 2 fatalities now reported by Kenosha PD after tonight’s shootings

There were 3 initial victims, one who was shot in the arm, another apparently in the head, and a third unconfirmed

These people think it’s a game, but life is very fragile #KenoshaRiots


CONTEXT: I spoke with the alleged shooter earlier in the night who stated he was there to protect property

He did not make racist comments, condemn #BLM, or mention political motivations for his actions

He said that he was there to protect property & was carrying a firearm


WHAT WE KNOW: the shooter was from 1 of 2 possible groups who:

Stated their intention to protect property
Offered support/help/solidarity to BLM rioters


Are the two groups connected
Are they groups or like minded individuals



That’s weird, I have him on video offering medical help to BLM rioters

It’s such a weird world where we have black white supremacists

Jewish Nazis, and now white supremacists who offer aid to Black Lives Matter & kill white people

He sure sucks at white supremacy-ing


Mortar firework explosions, lasers, concrete, rocks, black bloc militants outside a fenced courthouse...

This is Portland in #Kenosha, Wisc. now. Video by @FromKalen. #BlackLivesMatter #antifa


War-like scenes in middle America. #KenoshaRiots Video by @livesmattershow.


Kenosha BLM rioters are throwing rocks at people who are protecting their property. They don’t care that those people are armed. Video by @livesmattershow show. #KenoshaRiots


Extremely graphic: Someone at the #KenoshaRiots was just shot in the head. @livesmattershow was there to record it.


Meanwhile in Portland tonight, antifa have smashed up City Hall and went inside. #PortlandRiots


Arsonists have set a car on fire at the car dealer where the rioter was shot in the head

The rioters were about to torch the property in retaliation but police showed up in time to stop them Kenosha


Daily Caller reporter @RichieMcGinniss was almost shot. He’s seen in the footage taking off his shirt to help stop the bleeding on the man on the ground. #KenoshaRiots



The guy in this video helping the man who had just been shot is Daily Caller reporter @RichieMcGinniss.

Literally taking the shirt off his back to help save his life.


.@Julio_Rosas11 recorded shocking footage of rioters trying to beat up someone with a rifle. The person trips and then a bunch of shots can be heard. #KenoshaRiots


Rioting in Portland continues as usual tonight. After #antifa smashed up City Hall, police moved in and broke apart the black bloc group blocking the street. #PortlandRiots


Funniest video of the week!

Shielded antifa in Portland are quickly taken down by police in downtown tonight. #PortlandRiots


GRAPHIC: Rioters chase down a man with a semi-auto rifle. He shoots them. Video by @BGOnTheScene. #KenoshaRiots


  1. In a scene that played out several times Monday, a Black Lives Matter protest that began in Columbia Heights confronted White diners outside D.C. restaurants, chanting “White silence is violence!” and demanding White diners show their solidarity. #DCProtests


  1. Given many comments regarding protesters’ races, it’s worth noting that a young Black woman leading the protest Monday asked White protesters to step forward, as seen here. This direction was given more than once.



As this is a sensitive topic, and I've been forced to remove the footage from Reddit, please put useful updates below. I'll try to compile what I can.

Earlier Events

Initial incident of initial shooter firing at a minimum of 1 individual/s . NSFW: Head injury

Footage of a reprisal attack on one of the shooters. NSFW: Likely death from shooting with AR at close range

Reprisal attacker appears armed by Kirara (Saidit)

Footage of one of the reprisal attacker's injuries while being apprehended by the police. NSFW: Grievous bodily injury.

Elijah Schaffer's ad-hoc interview with a witness after speaking to police. Both the witness and Schaffer suspect that the group were BLM supporting "Boogaloo Boys"

Compilation Video & Analysis by Twitter user V4Volk

Analysis comment by NoEyesNoGroin (Reddit)

  • This looks like it may have been BLM on BLM barbarity. Tl;dr - the car lot being protected by armed people is apparently owned by a BLM lowlife. BLM started smashing up cars and they started fighting amongst each other. BLM twitter ofcourse immediately claimed it was caused by "white supremacists".

  • Edit: 2 people are dead, 3 people shot in total

Tim Pool's morning commentary & analysis:

Reuters reports that the shooter is identified as 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse, who has been charged with First Degree Intentional Homicide by the state of Illinois.

Tim Pool points out that the shooter was arrested as a fugitive. He may not have been arrested by police that night.

Timeline & Map of events:


So some angry Redditards tried spamming CP on the subreddit, and also tried using misspellings of our usernames to post CP on other subs as well.

I don't really care if it's some commie degenerate posting xir's personal stash or a right-wing acceleration trying to drive us off the platform, if you see any of that shit here, light it up with reports.

I've only seen a couple reports in the past few days, so as a reminder: you've got to defend what's yours, I won't be able to do it for you. If there's some shit your suspicious of, still report it anyway. I'm not going to punish you for being suspicious.


I've created a list of rules as below, they will likely change later, but they are here for the purposes of establishing a base level of social order:

ONE: Do not post Illegal Activity. Also, do not post any manifesto's done by terrorists, active shooters, serial felons rationalizing such things, or promoting such things, even if your content does not endorse the message.

TWO: Do not engage in speech that promotes, advocates, glorifies, or endorses violence.

THREE: Do not threaten, harass, or bully users; and do not encourage others to do so on or off-line; nor make per se defamatory states at users.

FOUR: Do not post ISM. Involuntary Salacious Material means NSFW material of a manner that was not intentionally made public. This is the "upskirt", "revenge porn", and "private intimate photos" rule.

FIVE: Do not post Porn

SIX: Content that contains nudity, pornography, or profanity, which a reasonable viewer may not want to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as in a workplace should be tagged as NSFW. Any material of a titillating nature must be marked NSFW.

SEVEN: Do not post Facebook accounts, individuals who's twitters are less than 500 followers, private/personal information that is not publicly available, addresses, or participate, encourage, or engage in any doxxing campaign.

EIGHT: Do not intentionally deceive others by impersonating another. This does not apply to satire.

NINE: No person shall use communities.win sites (including kotakuinaction2.win) to solicit, facilitate any transaction, or gift including: ... ATF defined firearms or ammo as defined by the ATF, Bump-stock type devices, Explosives, 3D printing files to produce the aforementioned, controlled substances, Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Stolen goods, Paid services involving physical sexual contact, Personal Information, Falsified Official Documents, Falsified Currency, Fraudulent Services, Pharmaceuticals

TEN: No vote manipulation. Do not break communities.win's features.

ELEVEN: Do not post spam. If you are self-advertising, you must have sufficiently engaged in the sub prior to your post, and you must engage with the users when they comment in your post. Spam will also include repeated messages and comments that are done with no effort to add to the conversation.

TWELVE: Do not post intentional falsehoods or hoaxes. Yes, the Elders of Zion and other such intentionally fabricated documents fall into this. If your POST is arguably false by the user-base, it may be marked as either misleading or unfounded based on it's factual assertions, particularly in the title.

THIRTEEN: If you have reposted something, it will be removed

FOURTEEN: Do not post more than 5 posts a day to this sub.

FIFTEEN: Do not direct particularly egregious identity based slurs at users. A list will be provided

SIXTEEN: Do not attack entire identity groups as inferior, subhuman, inherently morally deficient, biologically/evolutionary mongrel, or participating in a vast conspiracy to take over the world, ala ZOG-NWO / The Patriarchy.

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