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We swedes call these things "batikhäxor" (batikwitches).

A "batikhäxa" is:

  • A woman

  • A feminist

  • A paedophilic fostermom for nigger "children" with beards

The batikhäxa is middle-aged or older, white, and almost always works in the public sector. She strongly believes that everyone who doesn't agree with her opinions, whatever they may be, are racists and sexists.

There are strong correlations to the type of clothing they wear (it's difficult to describe, but combined with her other visible characteristics, you know it when you see it — the scarf you see on the picture is typical). The most notable description of the batikhäxa is the fact that she is an old hag who desperately lusts for young nigger cock. The more violent, the more uncivilized the nigger, the better. The final determinant of whether or not she lusts for a particular nigger is if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that the "political right" would wish for him to be either integrated into sound civilizational values and for him to pull his societal weight, or be deported.

The batikhäxa will take the migrant under her wing and slobber all over him with her aspirations for sexual contact with the "exotic, black specimen". In the cases where the nigger indeed do get deported (often because of him being extremely violent and criminal), and the batikhäxa has already established sexual relations with him in return for her protection, she will howl and squeal all over the media for the "injustice" that has been committed.

These are what young, white, feminist leftist women run a severe risk of turning into lest they get a man to form a family with, and who keeps them in check.

197 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

We swedes call these things "batikhäxor" (batikwitches).

A "batikhäxa" is:

  • A woman

  • A feminist

  • A paedophilic fostermom for nigger "children" with beards

The batikhäxa is middle-aged or older, white, and almost always works in the public sector. She strongly believes that everyone who doesn't agree with her opinions, whatever they may be, are racists and sexists.

There are strong correlations to the type of clothing they wear (it's difficult to describe, but combined with her other visible characteristics, you know it when you see it — the scarf you see on the picture is typical). The most notable description of the batikhäxa is the fact that she is an old hag who desperately lusts for young nigger cock. The more violent, the more uncivilized the nigger, the better. The final determinant of whether or not she lusts for a particular nigger is if there is a reasonable cause to suspect that the "political right" would wish for him to be either integrated into sound civilizational values and for him to pull his societal weight, or be deported.

The batikhäxa will take the migrant under her wing and slobber all over him with her aspirations for sexual contact with the "exotic, black specimen". In the cases where the nigger indeed do get deported (often because of him being extremely violent and criminal), and the batikhäxa has already established sexual relations with him in return for her protection, she will howl and squeal all over the media for the "injustice" that has been cobmitted.

These are what young, white, feminist leftist women run a severe risk of turning into lest they get a man to form a family with, and who keeps them in check.

197 days ago
1 score