i really dont like obama but that one was so iran wouldnt build nukes wasnt it? its still a better deal than giving israel billions every year for actually nothing in return
i really dont like obama but that one was so iran wouldnt build nukes wasnt it? its still a better deal then giving israel billions every year for actually nothing in return
i really dont like obama but that one was so iran wouldnt build nukes wasnt it? its still a better deal then giving israel billions every year for actually nothing in return
i really dont like obama but that one was so iran wouldnt build nukes wasnt it? its still a better deal then giving israel billions every year for actually nothing in return
i really dont like obama but that one was so iran wouldnt build nukes wasnt it? its still a better deal then giving israel billions every year for actually nothing in return
i dont like obama but that one was so iran wouldnt build nukes wasnt it? its still a better deal then giving israel billions every year for actually nothing in return