This is a whole different beast who have most of the Western gov'ts cooperating, are using every tool at their disposal, and the propaganda machine have the public wrapped around their finger, then on top of that you have the public to a large extent who are behaving like a bunch of indoctrinated, obedient zombies and are failing to stand up for their civil liberties who are indifferent, passive, complacent, and or ignorant. If you think humanity is going to get a second shot after they win this huge battle - I don't know what to tell you other than it'll be a hell of a lot more difficult to overcome after they've installed their world gov't than what we are facing now, when we still have a lot more choices, more freedom, more civil liberties, and most important: we still have time.
This is a whole different beast who have most of the Western gov'ts cooperating, are using every tool at their disposal, and the propaganda machine have the public wrapped around their finger, then on top of that you have the public to a large extent who are behaving like a bunch of indoctrinated, obedient zombies and are failing to stand up for their civil liberties who are indifferent, passive, complacent, and or ignorant. If you think humanity is going to get a second shot after they win this huge battle - I don't know what to tell you other than it'll be a hell of a lot more difficult to overcome after they've installed their world gov't than what we are facing now, when we still have a lot more choices, more freedom, and more civil liberties.
This is a whole different beast who have most of the Western gov'ts cooperating, are using every tool at their disposal, and have the propaganda machine have the public wrapped around their finger, then on top of that you have the public to a large extent who are behaving like a bunch of indoctrinated, obedient zombies and are failing to stand up for their civil liberties who are indifferent, passive, complacent, and or ignorant. If you think humanity is going to get a second shot after they win this huge battle - I don't know what to tell you other than it'll be a hell of a lot more difficult to overcome after they've installed their world gov't than what we are facing now, when we still have a lot more choices, more freedom, and more civil liberties.
This is a whole different beast who have most of the Western gov'ts cooperating and are using every tool at their disposal, then on top of that you have the public to a large extent who are behaving like a bunch of indoctrinated, obedient zombies and are failing to stand up for their civil liberties who are indifferent, passive, complacent, and or ignorant. If you think humanity is going to get a second shot after they win this huge battle - I don't know what to tell you other than it'll be a hell of a lot more difficult to overcome after they've installed their world gov't than what we are facing now, when we still have a lot more choices, more freedom, and more civil liberties.