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Imagine making it to 2025 and still not realising that corporatocratic malefactors are equal players in the global censorship scheme. Why even talk about Shadows as if it falls into the category of being a real game? Sure, it is technically one - some amount of man hours and corporate money have gone into constructing a game around it - but its main purpose for existence, in its final form, is to be a performative gesture of negro-worship and cultural subversion.

So nobody actually cares about the freedom of the game to exist as a piece of free artistic expression. Not even Ubisoft. What are the odds they're not 'scrambling' at all and started lining up a patch at the first sound of grumbling from Japan's national heritage types? In fact weren't there rumours that Ubisoft execs themselves were worried about the optics of the physics demo? It's a bit fishy that these temples made it into the final game in trashable form in the first place... As if they shed a single tear at 1 location in their propaganda piece being off limits for fucking with physprops.

For whoever pitched Yasuke in the first place, as long as the player has to play as either a woman or a negro in the Japan game, they're laughing. Any sacrifice made in exchange is tolerable, even perhaps sacrificing Ubisoft itself. These enlightened centrists larping as Voltaire are just jacking themselves off and missing every meaningful issue.

5 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Imagine making it to 2025 and still not realising that corporatocratic malefactors are equal players in the global censorship scheme. Why even talk about Shadows as if it falls into the category of being a real game? Sure, it is technically one - some amount of man hours and corporate money have gone into constructing a game around it - but it's main purpose for existence, in its final form, is to be a performative gesture of negro-worship and cultural subversion.

So nobody actually cares about the freedom of the game to exist as a piece of free artistic expression. Not even Ubisoft. What are the odds they're not 'scrambling' at all and started lining up a patch at the first sound of grumbling from Japan's national heritage types? In fact weren't there rumours that Ubisoft execs themselves were worried about the optics of the physics demo? It's a bit fishy that these temples made it into the final game in trashable form in the first place... As if they shed a single tear at 1 location in their propaganda piece being off limits for fucking with physprops.

For whoever pitched Yasuke in the first place, as long as the player has to play as either a woman or a negro in the Japan game, they're laughing. Any sacrifice made in exchange is tolerable, even perhaps sacrificing Ubisoft itself. These enlightened centrists larping as Voltaire are just jacking themselves off and missing every meaningful issue.

5 days ago
1 score