so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, Bulma flashing herself so the audience can see her panties and nude ass, isn't pornography and 100% naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? No they would not be fine under the wording of the bill, and if they were then it would just be people being selective hypocrites based on what show they happen to like or not and not on what the bill actually says. . You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, Bulma flashing herself so the audience can see her panties and nude ass isn't pornography and 100% naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? No they would not be fine under the wording of the bill, and if they were then it would just be people being selective hypocrites based on what show they happen to like or not and not on what the bill actually says. . You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, Bulma flashing herself isn't pornography and 100% naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? No they would not be fine under the wording of the bill, and if they were then it would just be people being selective hypocrites based on what show they happen to like or not and not on what the bill actually says. . You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography and 100% naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? No they would not be fine under the wording of the bill, and if they were then it would just be people being selective hypocrites based on what show they happen to like or not and not on what the bill actually says. . You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography and 100% naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? No they would not be fine under the wording of the bill, and if they were then it would just be people being selective hypocrites based on what show they happen to like or not and not with what the bill actually says. . You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography and 100% naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? No they would not be fine under the wording of the bill, and if they were then it would just be people being hypocrites . You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography and 100% naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? No they would not be fine under the wording of the bill, and if they were then it would just be people being hypocrites . You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography and 100% naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography and completely naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography or completely naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography or completely naked Goku (who was a minor in the Dragon ball) isn't pornography ? You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography or completely naked Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography or completely naked child Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornography ? You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma showing off her panties isn't pornography or completely naked child Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornogarphy ? You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.
so according to you , Naruto's sexy no Jutsu isn't pornography, or Bulma's panties isn't pornography or completely naked child Goku in Dragon ball isn't pornogarphy ? You agree with the bill so you are trying to pretend it isn't unreasonable.