It's quickly becoming the 'racist' of the right. In that it's being thrown at everyone and anyone ever remotely smelling like they have one leftist idea. I've seen many instances where there will be some random story like "Clinton appointed judge rules Trump tax returns are admissible in fraud trial" with multiple "throw this pedo in the woodchipper" comments. Even though there's actually nothing indicating the judge, or whoever it's being thrown at, is actually a pedo. And it's going to end up watering down the term to the point of being meaningless and having no effect.
Plus the "why are you defending pedos? are you a pedo?" is relevant because the accusation is so serious and charged that no one on the right wants to be within 100 miles of anything that could remotely suggest they might be. There are laws on the books for shit like a sub-18 being charged with CP because they took a nude pic of themselves and just had it on their own phone, or two sub-18s being charged with statutory rape of each other because they had sex while dating. Those kinds of laws shouldn't really apply in those situations, but they'll never be changed because anyone on the right who even mentions is, no matter how logical it might be, will be immediately accused of wanting to water down CP laws.
This law in Texas will probably pass and become law. Not because it makes any sense, but because any debate against it no matter how well reasoned or factual will be immediately be met with attacks from the right.
It would make a lot more sense if people could just be less emotional and keep accusations for things restricted to those who actually qualify for those things, but that is a pipe dream. Honestly the entire right in general is becoming more and more emotional, more and more easily manipulated with anger, and more and more hysterical every year. It's tricky because a lot of it is a response to very real and escalating degeneracy on the left, but there is a very real danger in that the right is become increasingly untethered to any actual reasoned positions and principles based on anything more than "this makes me mad". It's a dire symptom of the fact that each election cycle, more of the right is not actually in favor of XYZ, they're just anti-left. Which is fine as part of a set of ideals, but when you're just against something, and not actually for the converse, you end up without any actual principles or consistent worldview to keep you grounded and sane.
More and more I fear that if there ever is some kind of second civil war, which the right would almost certainly win, that the aftermath will look a hell of lot less like the heady days of the founding of these United States by great men, and a lot more like the bloody mania of the French Revolution where any indication of being even slightly less zealous than whoever is calling the shots that week will be lined up and shot. Only for those people to be lined up and shot next week by someone even more zealous.
It's quickly becoming the 'racist' of the right. In that it's being thrown at everyone and anyone ever remotely smelling like they have one leftist idea. I've seen many instances where there will be some random story like "Clinton appointed judge rules Trump tax returns are admissible in fraud trial" with multiple "throw this pedo in the woodchipper" comments. Even though there's actually nothing indicating the judge, or whoever it's being thrown at, is actually a pedo. And it's going to end up watering down the term to the point of being meaningless and having no effect.
Plus the "why are you defending pedos? are you a pedo?" is relevant because the accusation is so serious and charged that no one on the right wants to be within 100 miles of anything that could remotely suggest they might be. There are laws on the books for shit like a sub-18 being charged with CP because they took a nude pic of themselves and just had it on their own phone, or two sub-18s being charged with statutory rape of each other because they had sex while dating. Those kinds of laws shouldn't really apply in those situations, but they'll never be changed because anyone on the right who even mentions is, no matter how logical it might be, will be immediately accused of wanting to water down CP laws.
This law in Texas will probably pass and become law. Not because it makes any sense, but because any debate against it no matter how well reasoned or factual will be immediately be met with attacks from the right.
It would make a lot more sense if people could just be less emotional and keep accusations for things restricted to those who actually qualify for those things, but that is a pipe dream. Honestly the entire right in general is becoming more and more emotional, more and more easily manipulated with anger, and more and more hysterical every year. It's tricky because a lot of it is a response to very real and escalating degeneracy on the left, but there is a very real danger in that the right is become increasingly untethered to any actual reasoned positions and principles based on anything more than "this makes me mad".
More and more I fear that if there ever is some kind of second civil war, which the right would almost certainly win, that the aftermath will look a hell of lot less like the heady days of the founding of these United States by great men, and a lot more like the bloody mania of the French Revolution where any indication of being even slightly less zealous than whoever is calling the shots that week will be lined up and shot. Only for those people to be lined up and shot next week by someone even more zealous.
It's quickly becoming the 'racist' of the right. In that it's being thrown at everyone and anyone ever remotely smelling like they have one leftist idea. I've seen many instances where there will be some random story like "Clinton appointed judge rules Trump tax returns are admissible in fraud trial" with multiple "throw this pedo in the woodchipper" comments. Even though there's actually nothing indicating the judge, or whoever it's being thrown at, is actually a pedo. And it's going to end up watering down the term to the point of being meaningless and having no effect.
Plus the "why are you defending pedos? are you a pedo?" is relevant because the accusation is so serious and charged that no one on the right wants to be within 100 miles of anything that could remotely suggest they might be. There are laws on the books for shit like a sub-18 being charged with CP because they took a nude pic of themselves and just had it on their own phone, or two sub-18s being charged with statutory rape of each other because they had sex while dating. Those kinds of laws shouldn't really apply in those situations, but they'll never be changed because anyone on the right who even mentions is, no matter how logical it might be, will be immediately accused of wanting to water down CP laws.
This law in Texas will probably pass and become law. Not because it makes any sense, but because any debate against it no matter how well reasoned or factual will be immediately be met with attacks from the right.
It would make a lot more sense if people could just be less emotional and keep accusations for things restricted to those who actually qualify for those things, but that is a pipe dream.