Women will always hate anything that men spend money, time, effort, thought, or concern on that isn't women.
And to everyone here saying that there's some truth to this, could you explain precisely how that is true. Not some vague nebulous "I feel that it's true" stuff. But an actual factual explanation.
If a man is capable of supporting himself financially and has a job, his own place, transportation, etc, what business is it of anyone how he spends the rest of his time and money? If he wants to spend 12 hours a day for 4 days in a row every week watching anime and playing video games, but he's able to pay all of his bills and stay in reasonable shape based off working the other 3 days, so what? You don't have to like it, you don't have to choose that lifestyle for yourself, but "I don't like this" is a far cry from "it's actually bad and here's how". Do you just feel it's bad, or can you prove it's bad, how, and by what standard are you measuring bad?
Women will always hate anything that men spend money, time, effort, thought, or concern on that isn't women.