Is she supposed to be a beauty icon? Her face has something weird. Maby it's the man-chin. Maby it's the surgeries. The broad shoulders don't help...
6.5/10. -1 for ugly tattoos, +1 for being slim. Assume without the makeup she's below average.
Looks like a face made and abused to age horribly.
Is she supposed to be a beauty icon? Her face has something weird. Maby it's the man-chin. Maby it's the surgeries. The broad shoulders don't help...
7/10. -1 for ugly tattoos, +1 for being slim.
Looks like a face made and abused to age horribly.
Is she supposed to be a beauty icon? Her face has something weird. Maby it's the man-chin. Maby it's the surgeries.
7/10. -1 for ugly tattoos, +1 for being slim.
Looks like a face made and abused to age horribly.