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I can't recall the exact case name.. but this happened in Orlando Florida around Old Blossom Trail and the child of my friend's client.

They had a daughter in the early teens with a learning disability. She had ran away from home and got picked up. They drugged her, tied her to a bed and sold her body a dozen times a day. This went on for over a week.

But because of her own disorder and misunderstanding of the situation she was in, and they letting their guard down around her, she managed to escape and the cops found her.

They rescued multiple women.

It honestly happens more than people realize. It just doesn't make the news. And happens in the shit parts of the USA everyone ignores or in the nice areas and they're trying to keep it quiet to not disrupt things. Just Google 'human trafficking bust' wherever... They just don't give you the story of every woman rescued.

But just imagine that for a second.. 15 minutes from where you live, there could be someone's daughter strapped to a bed, drugged and being sexually abused multiple times a day by some gang members high fiving one another as they make her scream and bleed...

14 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I can't recall the exact case name.. but this happened in Orlando Florida around Old Blossom Trail and the child of my friend's client.

They had a daughter in the early teens with a learning disability. She had ran away from home and got picked up. They drugged her, tied her to a bed and sold her body a dozen times a day. This went on for over a week.

But because of her own disorder and misunderstanding of the situation she was in, and they letting their guard down around her, she managed to escape and the cops found her.

They rescued multiple women.

It honestly happens more than people realize. It just doesn't make the news. And happens in the shit parts of the USA everyone ignores or in the nice areas and they're trying to keep it quiet to not disrupt things. Just Google 'human trafficking bust' wherever... They just don't give you the story of every woman rescued.

14 days ago
1 score