Simple. Trump said it first. All throughout Trump's campaign, Harris and Biden stole ideas from Trump that were resonating with the population and calling it their own.
Dems are in panic mode now that the general population doesn't trust them anymore, so they're doing everything they can to try and get it back.
Simple. Trump said it first. All throughout Trumps campaign, Harris and Biden stole ideas from Trump that were resonating with the population and calling it their own.
Dems are in panic mode now that the general population doesn't trust them anymore, so they're doing everything they can to try and get it back.
Simple. Trump said it first. All throughout Trumps campaign, Harris and Boden stole idea from Trump that were resonating with the population and calling it their own.
Dema are in panic mode now that the general population doesn't trust them anymore, so they're doing everything wlthey can to try and get it back.