Great points. It's the major reason why I just couldn't get through Wheel of Time, the book series, not the dogshit show no one watched. Robert Jordan did an absolutely excellent top shelf job at portraying accurate female characters. That is to say, they're all arrogant, condescending, rude, demanding, believe they're perfect, constantly belittling men while expecting those same men to fall over themselves in service to women while insulting them when they do, constantly making massive fuckups that make things worse for everyone while blaming the men around them, then spending 9 pages talking about the shade of silk on a dress one of them is wearing. Literally the only female in the entire series that was remotely tolerable was that blonde warrior chick who got pulled from the past.
I think I made it to Crown of Swords before giving up. I understand the narrative structure of having some characters start in a less than ideal place so you can show them evolve into something better in the story. But when I saw I was halfway through the series after literally hundreds of hours (seriously, multiple books that are 40+ hours apiece), and there was zero hint of any of the female characters getting their comeuppance or learning a lesson, and in fact were just continually getting rewarded the bigger cunts they were, I gave up.
I heard the last 3 books that Sanderson cowrote finally start fixing some of the female characters, but that is way too late for my tastes. I usually give most things a chance, whether it's a new anime or show or book. But I don't go in for the "no bro, you gotta stick it out until Episode 163, that's when it really gets good" thing. Women are awful stuck up demanding cunts in real life. I spend my free time enjoying fiction to get away from how awful real life is most of the time. I'm not interested in wasting 400 hours on a book series, or 100 hours in a game, to subjected to be women being realistically terrible nearly the whole time.
You hit the nail on the head about idealized women, and it's likely why anime has become so popular while western TV has faded. Anime still shows idealized women. Female characters that act and look how we wish they did, not how they really are in real life.
Great points. It's the major reason why I just couldn't get through Wheel of Time, the book series, not the dogshit show no one watched. Robert Jordan did an absolutely excellent top shelf job at portraying accurate female characters. That is to say, they're all arrogant, condescending, rude, demanding, believe they're perfect, constantly belittling men while expecting those same men to fall over themselves in service to women while insulting them when they do, constantly making massive fuckups that make things worse for everyone while blaming the men around them, then spending 9 pages talking about the shade of silk on a dress one of them is wearing. Literally the only female in the entire series that was remotely tolerable was that blonde warrior chick who got pulled from the past.
I think I made it to Crown of Swords before giving up. I understand the narrative structure of having some characters start in a less than ideal place so you can show them evolve into something better in the story. But when I saw I was halfway through the series after literally hundreds of hours (seriously, multiple books that are 40+ hours apiece), and there was zero hint of any of the female characters getting their comeuppance or learning a lesson, and in fact were just continually getting rewarded the bigger cunts they were, I gave up.
I heard the last 3 books that Sanderson cowrote finally start fixing some of the female characters, but that is way too late for my tastes. I usually give most things a chance, whether it's a new anime or show or book. But I don't go in for the "no bro, you gotta stick it out until Episode 163, that's when it really gets good" thing. Women are awful stuck up demanding cunts in real life. I spend my free time enjoying fiction to get away from how awful real life is most of the time. I'm not interested in wasting 400 hours on a book series, or 100 hours in a game, to subjected to women being realistically terrible nearly the whole time.
You hit the nail on the head about idealized women, and it's likely why anime has become so popular while western TV has faded. Anime still shows idealized women. Female characters that act and look how we wish they did, not how they really are in real life.