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Me and a buddy at work were chilling during a long night stretch of nothing happening and bullshitting about anime when we had an idea for a Civil War anime. Basically like an animated version of Gettysburg/Gods and Generals sort of thing, complete with the lofty dialogue, attention to battles, uniforms, weapons, the history, all that. Except with the usual cast of multicolored hair waifus just thrown in as soldiers or generals on both sides, and it being taken totally seriously by all the rest of the characters who would be mostly accurately portrayed men, with a few exceptions like the blonde baseball captain dude being General Pickett, the usual dark haired calculating Student Council President who does the finger-glasses thing as General Lee. But the main cast would be the waifus, the fiery tsundere redhead as a Major of Artillery, a blonde cavalry Captain, the uncertain brunette protagonist as a new infantry lieutenant, etc. And if was done by an actual Japanese studio, it would end up being a hell of a lot more historically accurate than if it were done by modern Americans.

I'm not sure if it's actually one of the worst ideas ever, but I would watch the fuck out of it.

69 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Me and a buddy at work were chilling during a long night stretch of nothing happening and bullshitting about anime when we had an idea for a Civil War anime. Basically like an animated version of Gettysburg/Gods and Generals sort of thing, complete with the lofty dialogue, attention to battles, uniforms, weapons, the history, all that. Except with the usual cast of multicolored hair waifus just thrown in as soldiers or generals on both sides, and it being taken totally seriously by all the rest of the characters who would be mostly accurately portrayed men. The fiery tsundere redhead as a Major of Artillery, a blonde cavalry Captain, the uncertain brunette protagonist as a new infantry lieutenant, etc. And if was done by an actual Japanese studio, it would end up being a hell of a lot more historically accurate than if it were done by modern Americans.

I'm not sure if it's actually one of the worst ideas ever, but I would watch the fuck out of it.

69 days ago
1 score