We obviously don’t need corporate gaming websites, which is why their viewership and influence on consumer behavior have both cratered.
The ongoing problem is that other segments of the industry - notably, developers and studios - continue to operate as if corporate media were still some meaningful guiding star and not obvious propaganda. It doesn’t matter how hard we ignore or mock media shills when they’re still the ones given power to manufacture consensus via shit like metacritic. Leftist devs are literally pointing to the positive media coverage that they engineered for themselves in order to deflect from poor sales, and Blackrock-infused corporations are still buying the extra-market excuses.
None of this requires a formal conspiracy. Leftists are basically ideological sleeper agents everywhere they exist. Their first duty is always the revolution. They have been programmed to leverage whatever positions of power and influence they occupy in order to forward their cause, actual responsibilities be damned.
It’s falling apart over time. Slowly but surely, the worm is turning, but their are naturally still efforts by leftists to prevent the “invisible hand” from crushing their retarded ideology. Gamers Are Dead was a big one. Now we have the attempts to prop up an obsolete legacy media industry.
But victory isn’t exactly victory if it takes 20 years. How long can the market stay irrational aka woke? Long enough to represent the balance of my fucking life, apparently.
We obviously don’t need corporate gaming websites, which is why their viewership and influence on consumer behavior have both cratered.
The ongoing problem is that other segments of the industry - notably, developers and studios - continue to operate as if corporate media were still some meaningful guiding star and not obvious propaganda. It doesn’t matter how hard we ignore or mock media shills when they’re still the ones given power to manufacture consensus via shit like metacritic. Leftist devs are literally pointing to the positive media coverage that they engineered for themselves in order to deflect from poor sales, and Blackrock-infused corporations are still buying the extra-market excuses. Slowly but surely, the worm is turning, but their arc still efforts by leftists to prevent the “invisible hand” from crushing their retarded ideology.
How long can the market stay irrational aka woke? Long enough to represent the balance of my fucking life, apparently.