So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy."
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "discussion":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
They, the Russian citizens, won't do shit. That's what they'll do. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this. Is that autistic enough detail enough for you?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "discussion":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
They, the Russian citizens, won't do shit. That's what they'll do. Is that autistic enough detail enough for you?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "debate":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
They, the Russian citizens, won't do shit. That's what they'll do. Is that autistic enough detail enough for you?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "debate":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
They, the Russian citizens, won't do shit. That's what they'll do. Is that enough autistic detail enough for you?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "debate":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
They, the Russian citizens, won't do shit. That's what they'll do. Is that autistically detailed enough for you?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "debate":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
They, the Russian citizens, won't do shit, that's what they'll do. Is that autistically detailed enough for you?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "debate":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
They, the Russian citizens, won't do shit, that's what they'll do. Is that autistically clear enough for you?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "debate":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
They, the citizens, won't do shit, that's what they'll do. Is that autistically clear enough for you?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
To quote u/GamingTheSystem-01, which sparked this asinine "debate":
What do you expect them to do if they don't approve?
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for accepting that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in a humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for accepting that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and are forced to participate in that humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential, bad-faith gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for accepting that I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like. The fact that Russian citizens don't have the option to abstain and forced to participate in that humiliation ritual doesn't change that.
Again, do better.
So they care about turnout? Thank you, that was my point.
I accept your concession. Russian citizens won't vote their way out of this, despite your tangential gotcha about "legitimacy." Thank you for agreeing I was right.
But the fact that governments care about turnout and election results is something that's not really in dispute.
Insomuch as to create plausible deniability of the results. The votes themselves don't mean a damn; they can always change it to whatever they like.
Again, do better.