It only took a couple of scrolls down their feed to find them promoting a pedofaggot VN game, so they're definitely not based at least.
But literally the same day they also promoted Soulash, that roguelite the rainbow mafia tried to cancel over refusing to put gay marriage in, so they might be truly impartial, which is worth something.
It only took a couple of scrolls down their feed to find them promoting a pedofaggot VN game, so they're definitely not based at least. But literally the same day they also promoted Soulash, that roguelite they tried to cancel over refusing to put gay marriage in, so they might be truly impartial.
It only took a couple of scrolls down their feed to find them promoting a pedofaggot VN game, so they're definitely not based at least. But literally the same day they also promoted Soulash, that roguelite they tried to cancel over refusing to put pronouns in, so they might be truly impartial.
It only took a couple of scrolls down their feed to find them promoting a pedofaggot VN game, so they're definitely not based at least. But literally the same day they also promoted Splash, that roguelite they tried to cancel over refusing to put pronouns in, so they might be truly impartial.
It only took a couple of scrolls down their feed to find them promoting a pedofaggot VN game, so they're definitely not based at least.