This isn't true. My kid sons are cut, my nephews were born in a hospital that considered it a cosmetic surgery. As babies, and toddlers my nephews had UTI's constantly while my sons had none. The original religious purpose sometimes has a common sense reason.
You may not like my experience, but my nephews probably liked being in the pain of all those UTI's even less. Every time I watched them I had to go crazy with bath times to help them.
This isn't true. My kid sons are cut, my nephews were born in a hospital that conaoderedbit cosmetic surgery. As babies, and toddlers my nephews had UTI's constantly while my son had none. The original religious purpose sometimes has a common sense reason.
You may not like my experience, but my nephews probably liked being in the pain of all those UTI's even less. Every time I watched them I had to go crazy with bath times to help them.