Do... Do they know the 4B movement in worst Korea resulted in a tradcon resurgence?... Do they know the Megalia movement tried to be an edgy feminist version of 4chan and not only failed but radicalized a lot of men?
Do they know 4B is inherently trans-exclusionary because they have to gatekeep the womyn identity?
Do they know they can't even replicate the 4B movement because worst Korea culture is just different?
Do... Do they know the 4B movement in worst Korea resulted in a tradcon resurgence?... Do they know they Megalia movement tried to be an edgy feminist version of 4chan and not only failed but radicalized a lot of men?
Do they know 4B is inherently trans-exclusionary because they have to gatekeep the wonyn identity?
Do they know they can't even replicate the 4B movement because worst Korea culture is just different?