Millennials are the in between stage. We remember what it was like before social media and we are also the first generation to grow up with social media. I personally think life was better before social media. But we had social media at its best, because social media was at its most free and best at the beginning of its conception(partly because it was less censored and partly because there were less idiots on it because only the nerds knew how to use it before)
As for what made me feel old.... someone on conpro talking about his millennial mother made me feel old. its hard to imagine that there are children of millennials that are old enough to be on political forums now.
Millennials are the in between stage. We remember what its like before social media and we are also the first generation to grow up with social media. I personally think life was better before social media. But we had social media at its best, because social media was at its most free and best at the beginning of its conception(partly because it was less censored and partly because there were less idiots on it because only the nerds knew how to use it before)
As for what made me feel old.... someone on conpro talking about his millennial mother made me feel old. its hard to imagine that there are children of millennials that are old enough to be on political forums now.
Millennials are the in between stage. We remember what its like before social media and we are also the first generation to grow up with social media. I personally think life was better before social media. But we had social media at its best, because social media was at its most free and best at the beginning of its conception(partly because it was less censored and partly because there were less idiots on it because only the nerds knew how to use it before)
As for what made me feel old.... someone on conpro talking about his millennial mother made me feel old. its hard to imagine that there are children of millennials are old enough to be on political forums now.
Millennials are the in between stage. We remember what its like before social media and we are also the first generation to grow up with social media. I personally think life was better before social media. But we had social media at its best, because social media was at its most free and best at the beginning of its conception(partly because it was less censored and partly because there were less idiots on it because only the nerds knew how to use it before)
As for what made me feel old.... someone on conpro talking about his millennial mother made me feel old. its hard to imagine that the children of millennials are old enough to be on political forums now.
Millennials are the in between stage. We remember what its like before social media and we are also the first generation to grow up with social media. I personally think life was better before social media. But we had social media at its best, because social media was at its most free and best at the beginning of its conception(partly because it was less censored and partly because there were less idiots on it because only the nerds knew how to use it before)