- Pushing gig economy and trying to force everyone else into unions
No Fascist nor National Socialist ever reduced the power of unions. They exploded the power of unions by making them into full blown national unions, and each subordinate trade union was a part of. The national union then debated between the state and each corporation what compensation and prices would be set at. Literally: The German Labor Front
They never suppressed a single union. They just joined the unions together and gave them unlimited power under a Syndicalism.
Fascism is literally: Trade-Unionism in Italian.
- Pushing gig economy and trying to force everyone else into unions
No Fascist nor National Socialist ever reduced the power of unions. They exploded the power of unions by making them into full blown national unions, and each subordinate trade union was a part of. The national union then debated between the state and each corporation what compensation and prices would be set at. Literally: The German Labor Front
They never surprised a single union. They just joined the unions together and gave them unlimited power under a Syndicalism.
Fascism is literally: Trade-Unionism in Italian.
- Pushing gig economy and trying to force everyone else into unions
No Fascist nor National Socialist ever reduced the power of unions. They exploded the power of unions by making them into full blown national unions, and each subordinate trade union was a part of. The national union then debated between the state and each corporation what compensation and prices would be set at.
They never surprised a single union. They just joined the unions together and gave them unlimited power under a Syndicalism.
Fascism is literally: Trade-Unionism in Italian.