You should be instantly suspicious of any popular media that isn’t being openly attacked by leftists.
There’s a merchant who loves profits, but hates capitalism
Real communism for once!
a brawler who wants to execute the rich after a lifetime of racial oppression
Neo communism via racial grievance.
The prince’s most capable and loyal knights are a woman and an old man
Get fucked, bigots.
Unusual for Atlus and video games in general, Black people exist and occupy prominent roles
Worshipping blacks.
He’s a powerful and charismatic villain, a case study in Machiavellian principles, and a thinly veiled indictment against modern demagoguery
Orange man bad.
in a time when oppression and injustice are sanctioned at the highest levels and speaking truth to power is a novelty reserved for a handful of late-night comedy sketches
He thinks Stephen Colbert is speaking truth to power as he echoes the narratives of every captured institution and corporation in the west.
The only people speaking truth to power in 2024 are the voters threatening to oust the globalist traitors from western governments.
Coincidentally, those dissident voters are the only ones suffering consequences.
You should be instantly suspicious of any popular media that isn’t being openly attacked by leftists.
There’s a merchant who loves profits, but hates capitalism
a brawler who wants to execute the rich after a lifetime of racial oppression
The prince’s most capable and loyal knights are a woman and an old man
Unusual for Atlus and video games in general, Black people exist and occupy prominent roles
He’s a powerful and charismatic villain, a case study in Machiavellian principles, and a thinly veiled indictment against modern demagoguery
in a time when oppression and injustice are sanctioned at the highest levels and speaking truth to power is a novelty reserved for a handful of late-night comedy sketches
This actually sounds unbelievably cucked.
You should be instantly suspicious of any popular media that isn’t being openly attacked by leftists.