through illegal immigration, we are getting a skewed sample of the world's population. anyone willing to cross borders illegally is already willing to break the law, so you can bet there will be a higher concentration of bad people amongst that group.
I don't have any data on this, but I'm willing to bet the crime rate amongst legal immigrants is much lower than the crime rate amongst illegal immigrants (EDIT: for all crimes that are not "illegally crossing the border").
through illegal immigration, we are getting a skewed sample of the world's population. anyone willing to cross borders illegally is already willing to break the law, so you can bet there will be a higher concentration of bad people amongst that group.
I don't have any data on this, but I'm willing to bet the crime rate amongst legal immigrants is much lower than the crime rate amongst illegal immigrants (EDIT: for all crimes that are not illegally crossing the border).
through illegal immigration, we are getting a skewed sample of the world's population. anyone willing to cross borders illegally is already willing to break the law, so you can bet there will be a higher concentration of bad people amongst that group.
I don't have any data on this, but I'm willing to bet the crime rate amongst legal immigrants is much lower than the crime rate amongst illegal immigrants.