"Dragon Age 3 gets sex right"
"I murdered innocent refugees to support the Goblins, and for my blood lust, I was rewarded with sex from the crazy dark-elf that serves an evil God. But, I also have an insane hunger for murder so I broke her spine and killed her too. Weird that her murder got me off more than her vagina could have..."
I don't think they understand how sex works.
"Dragon Age 3 gets sex right"
"I murdered innocent refugees to support the Goblins, and for my blood lust, I was rewarded with sex from the crazy dark-elf that serves an evil God. But, I also have an insane hunger for murder so I broke her spine and killed her too."
I don't think they understand how sex works.
"Dragon Age 3 gets sex right"
"I murdered innocent refugees to support the Goblins, and for my blood lust, I was rewarded with sex from the crazy dark-elf that serves an evil God. But, I'm also have an insane hunger for murder so I broke her spine and killed her too."
I don't think they understand how sex works.