Everything you said is a flat out lie.
No harcoded subs? Really you know every single anime torrent has 0 hardcoded subs? Erroneous
Viruses can be in video files...so you are actually a retard. Got it.
Quality: even if it says 1080 it isn't all the time
Time: takes longer, what exactly am I wrong about? Moronic
Prioritize the first episode? Still 100x easier STREAMING
you basically just replied with "nuh uh!"
What a low IQ response to objective facts about time and convenience.
Tell me you are not a child without telling me 😂
Everything you said is a flat out lie.
No harcodes subs? Really you know every single anime torrent has 0 hardcoded subs?
Viruses can be in video files...so you are actually a retard. Got it.
Quality: even if it says 1080 it isn't all the time
Time: takes longer, what exactly am I wrong about? Moronic
Prioritize the first episode? Still 100x easier STREAMING dummy
you basically just replied with "nuh uh!"
What a fucking low IQ response to objective facts about time and convenience.
Tell me you are not a child without telling me 😂
Everything you said is a flat out lie.
No harcodes subs? Really you know every single anime torrent has 0 hardcoded subs?
Viruses can be in video files...so you are actually a retard. Got it.
Quality: even if it says 1080 it's isn't all the time dumbass.
Time: takes longer, what exactly am I wrong about? Moron
Prioritize the first episode? Still 100x easier STREAMING DUMBASS.
you basically just replies with "nuh uh!"
What a fucking low IQ moronic response to objective facts about time and convenience.
Tell me you are not a child without telling me 😂