You're either a muslim, or an idiot. Their whole purpose in enslaving women and girls is procreation on a mass scale so they can overrun your countries too, for the express purpose of enslaving women and children in your countries and adding them to the apparatus of the unending production line of more rapefugees.
They have, and are obsessed with replacing entire nations and ethnicities for the 'crime' of not worshipping their knockoff old testament sky daddy.
You're either a muslim, or an idiot. Their whole purpose in enslaving women and girls is procreation on a mass scale so they can overrun your countries too, for the express purpose of enslaving women and children in your countries and adding them to the apparatus of the unending production line of more rapefugees.
They have, and are obsessed with replacing entire nations and ethnicities for the 'crime' of not worshipping their chinese knockoff sky daddy.