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Reason: None provided.

Your Blood Meridian looks like a good suggestion. I'll probably actually read this, thanks.

How do you propose I live like a warlord? I'm not stupid, as you've pointed out. You haven't "got me" just because I'm not living the way I want to live. Imagine you asked a Lion who was caged at the zoo why he wasn't living like a Lion in wild and then you accused that Lion of not walking the talk. Of course he isn't living like a wild Lion because he's in a cage in a zoo not out in the wild. I am forced to adapt to my circumstances and these circumstances do not allow me to live like a warlord. Only one man has lived exactly like Genghis Khan in the history of humanity, so to suggest I can just go out and become more Genghis Khan than Genghis Khan himself is absurd and it is also absurd to then suggest I am somehow inconsistent in my overall being ("but I feel that it's a big tell if you aren't actually living as if what you believe is true") simply because I am not living that way when it doesn't make sense to live that way given the current situation I find myself in.

Obviously, much of what I've spoken too is idealistic not realistic. I've said as much: " An ideal civilization for me would..."

Keep in mind that what I say I am fine with isn't necessarily what I would do myself. You are correct in that assertion. I do not believe I must solidify a set of morals for myself that everyone else must also follow. Each person is different. One man may in fact go around and enslave children, while another man wouldn't. I don't have to take a position that because I wouldn't do it that all other men should also not do it and it's wrong for them to do it simply because I don't want them to do it because I would never do it myself. I just don't subscribe to these sorts of moral restrictions on the actions I may or may not take. It's all circumstantial but I don't believe any action I did take would be evil but rather would be good because I know myself and I know I am a good person. Though, my actions may in fact significantly differ from what others think is good or evil.

If I had total freedom to be Genghis Khan, I wouldn't just murder people for sport and I wouldn't treat women with 0 humanity. Do you think Genghis Khan was also devoid of any emotion and total evil psychopath? Hardly. That has never been the case of our reality since the dawn of time.

Since your seem fascinated by how am I, let me say that I guarantee if I ran society, the outcome for you and your people would be better than it is now and you would like a society run by me more than you like the current society if you had an open mind to it and weren't stuck on keeping to how things were before I took over. You can gauge whether something is good or bad based on the outcome. You can measure the results. Right now in society, we have results. You can measure things like happiness, loneliness, quality of life, economic prosperity, freedom, feelings of accomplishment, feelings of being needed, love, passion, alienation, breakups, tiredness, frustration and everything that one measures of a society and its people that is tangible. If there are objectively good things, I believe that at the core we both would agree on what those things are. Not a value like good means women have equality to men, that's not what I mean but rather good in how people feel about the lives they're living at the core. A value like the aforementioned is supposed to exist to then provide value to people because without it things are supposed to be worse than with it and this measure of better or worse has nothing to do with the value in itself but how such a value impacts everyone else in the society. I would propose that a society run the way I wanted to run things would be better for you and I than the current society or even a society run by you. Lastly, I could make my society adhere exactly to Christianity also if I wanted to. That's the beauty of Christianity and the ugly of it.

Answering your last question is actually more difficult than you think because how would I know for certain Christianity was in fact true? The answer to that changes absolutely everything. What about Christianity is in fact true that isn't already true now? Presuming it's all true then nothing changes. It isn't the truth of Christianity that matters to me but the result of Christianity. I would change nothing about the way I am living now regardless of the truth of Christianity. It isn't truth that concerns me but results. If one wants me to live "like a Christian" in the way in which you or another Christian defines it then provide for me value to live that way. If not living like a Christian provides more value to me than living like a Christian why would I live like a Christian? What am I sacrifice for? To go to heaven? I don't care. You say I care. Make me care. Words will never convince me of anything. The only thing that will convince me is tangible results and/or feelings. The thing about Christianity is that many of its adherents are people I would never want to be like. I don't like the way they act nor do I enjoy their company. Want me to be Christian then show me that Christians are people that I do like and want to act like. They aren't and until then I wouldn't want to live in such a Christian society.

Keep in mind that your idea of a Christian has differed in different periods of time. The Holy Roman Empire and the Knights Templar were much different Christians than modern evangelicals.

At the end of the day, I do not care about the lore of any worldview. Flat Earth, Christianity, Islam, Greek Gods/Goddesses, Evil Jews, this that or the other thing. I only care about how the values/beliefs of these things impact me directly in a tangible and concrete manner. Christianity can be useful if the words of the religion have strength enough to change people in a manner that would benefit me but the way in which Christianity often changes modern people is in a manner I happen to dislike not like. I find the men in Christianity and Christians overall to be a little too weak/soft for me and I find the women to be too unattractive to me (in personality not looks). In this sense, I don't believe Christianity holds any value for me because I wouldn't want to be Christian based on what I've observed of Christians nor do I want other people to be Christian based on what I've observed the people who are Christians in being.

I definitely believe in God though but I don't believe that means going to church and living my life the way another human wants me to. I am already living exactly how God wants me to live. I am me, the way God intended and I don't need to change me at all. My purpose is to serve God's will and that is what I am doing by living like me. If God wanted me to be a warlord, then I'd be one. Do I enjoy my life now? Not particularly but most people in life have never liked their life because my life isn't my own. I am living out the life God chose for me. I have no real say in how I am to live. The life I want is unattainable so I just live until I die and in that sense my life is already over so I'm just playing the game in the credits now. I can hypothesize how things could be better, discuss things, fantasize, imagine, care and not care about happenings to maybe hope or despair but I can't truly change anything for the better for me because anything I want is entirely unattainable even if I fully embraced your Christianity, it still wouldn't provide for me what I wanted, it would just be another iteration of some form of coping while I wait until I die.

If you want me to accept different views than my own or different ways of life than my own, the formula is simple. Provide something tangible to me in exchange for me changing my beliefs and/or way of life. That is all.

33 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Your Blood Meridian looks like a good suggestion. I'll probably actually read this, thanks.

How do you propose I live like a warlord? I'm not stupid, as you've pointed out. You haven't "got me" just because I'm not living the way I want to live. Imagine you asked a Lion who was caged at the zoo why he wasn't living like a Lion in wild and then you accused that Lion of not walking the talk. Of course he isn't living like a wild Lion because he's in a cage in a zoo not out in the wild. I am forced to adapt to my circumstances and these circumstances do not allow me to live like a warlord. Only one man has lived exactly like Genghis Khan in the history of humanity, so to suggest I can just go out and become more Genghis Khan than Genghis Khan himself is absurd and it is also absurd to then suggest I am somehow inconsistent in my overall being ("but I feel that it's a big tell if you aren't actually living as if what you believe is true") simply because I am not living that way when it doesn't make sense to live that way given the current situation I find myself in.

Obviously, much of what I've spoken too is idealistic not realistic. I've said as much: " An ideal civilization for me would..."

Keep in mind that what I say I am fine with isn't necessarily what I would do myself. You are correct in that assertion. I do not believe I must solidify a set of morals for myself that everyone else must also follow. Each person is different. One man may in fact go around and enslave children, while another man wouldn't. I don't have to take a position that because I wouldn't do it that all other men should also not do it and it's wrong for them to do it simply because I don't want them to do it because I would never do it myself. I just don't subscribe to these sorts of moral restrictions on the actions I may or may not take. It's all circumstantial but I don't believe any action I did take would be evil but rather would be good because I know myself and I know I am a good person. Though, my actions may in fact significantly differ from what others think is good or evil.

If I had total freedom to be Genghis Khan, I wouldn't just murder people for sport and I wouldn't treat women with 0 humanity. Do you think Genghis Khan was also devoid of any emotion and total evil psychopath? Hardly. That has never been the case of our reality since the dawn of time.

Since your seem fascinated by how am I, let me say that I guarantee if I ran society, the outcome for you and your people would be better than it is now and you would like a society run by me more than you like the current society if you had an open mind to it and weren't stuck on keeping to how things were before I took over. You can gauge whether something is good or bad based on the outcome. You can measure the results. Right now in society, we have results. You can measure things like happiness, loneliness, quality of life, economic prosperity, freedom, feelings of accomplishment, feelings of being needed, love, passion, alienation, breakups, tiredness, frustration and everything that one measures of a society and its people that is tangible. If there are objectively good things, I believe that at the core we both would agree on what those things are. Not a value like good means women have equality to men, that's not what I mean but rather good in how people feel about the lives they're living at the core. A value like the aforementioned is supposed to exist to then provide value to people because without it things are supposed to be worse than with it and this measure of better or worse has nothing to do with the value in itself but how such a value impacts everyone else in the society. I would propose that a society run the way I wanted to run things would be better for you and I than the current society or even a society run by you. Lastly, I could make my society adhere exactly to Christianity also if I wanted to. That's the beauty of Christianity and the ugly of it.

Answering your last question is actually more difficult than you think because how would I know for certain Christianity was in fact true? The answer to that changes absolutely everything. What about Christianity is in fact true that isn't already true now? Presuming it's all true then nothing changes. It isn't the truth of Christianity that matters to me but the result of Christianity. I would change nothing about the way I am living now regardless of the truth of Christianity. It isn't truth that concerns me but results. If one wants me to live "like a Christian" in the way in which you or another Christian defines it then provide for me value to live that way. If not living like a Christian provides more value to me than living like a Christian why would I live like a Christian? What am I sacrifice for? To go to heaven? I don't care. You say I care. Make me care. Words will never convince me of anything. The only thing that will convince me is tangible results and/or feelings. The thing about Christianity is that many of its adherents are people I would never want to be like. I don't like the way they act nor do I enjoy their company. Want me to be Christian then show me that Christians are people that I do like and want to act like. They aren't and until then I wouldn't want to live in such a Christian society.

Keep in mind that your idea of a Christian has differed in different periods of time. The Holy Roman Empire and the Knights Templar were much different Christians than modern evangelicals.

At the end of the day, I do not care about the lore of any worldview. Flat Earth, Christianity, Islam, Greek Gods/Goddesses, Evil Jews, this that or the other thing. I only care about how the values/beliefs of these things impact me directly in a tangible and concrete manner. Christianity can be useful if the words of the religion have strength enough to change people in a manner that would benefit me but the way in which Christianity often changes modern people is in a manner I happen to dislike not like. I find the men in Christianity and Christians overall to be a little too weak/soft for me and I find the women to be too unattractive to me (in personality not looks). In this sense, I don't believe Christianity holds any value for me because I wouldn't want to be Christian based on what I've observed of Christians nor do I want other people to be Christian based on what I've observed the people who are Christians in being.

I definitely believe in God though but I don't believe that means going to church and living my life the way another human wants me to. I am already living exactly how God wants me to live. I am me, the way God intended and I don't need to change me at all. My purpose is to serve God's will and that is what I am doing by living like me. If God wanted me to be a warlord, then I'd be one. Do I enjoy my life now? Not particularly but most people in life have never liked their life because my life isn't my own. I am living out the life God chose for me. I have no real say in how I am to live. The life I want is unattainable so I just live until I die and in that sense my life is already over so I'm just playing the game in the credits now. I can hypothesize how things could be better, discuss things, fantasize, imagine, care and not care about happenings to maybe hope or despair but I can't truly change anything for the better for me because anything I want is entirely unattainable even if I fully embraced your Christianity, it still wouldn't provide for me what I wanted, it would just be another iteration of some form of coping while I wait until I die.

33 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Your Blood Meridian looks like a good suggestion. I'll probably actually read this, thanks.

How do you propose I live like a warlord? I'm not stupid, as you've pointed out. You haven't "got me" just because I'm not living the way I want to live. Imagine you asked a Lion who was caged at the zoo why he wasn't living like a Lion in wild and then you accused that Lion of not walking the talk. Of course he isn't living like a wild Lion because he's in a cage in a zoo not out in the wild. I am forced to adapt to my circumstances and these circumstances do not allow me to live like a warlord. Only one man has lived exactly like Genghis Khan in the history of humanity, so to suggest I can just go out and become more Genghis Khan than Genghis Khan himself is absurd and it is also absurd to then suggest I am somehow inconsistent in my overall being ("but I feel that it's a big tell if you aren't actually living as if what you believe is true") simply because I am not living that way when it doesn't make sense to live that way given the current situation I find myself in.

Obviously, much of what I've spoken too is idealistic not realistic. I've said as much: " An ideal civilization for me would..."

Keep in mind that what I say I am fine with isn't necessarily what I would do myself. You are correct in that assertion. I do not believe I must solidify a set of morals for myself that everyone else must also follow. Each person is different. One man may in fact go around and enslave children, while another man wouldn't. I don't have to take a position that because I wouldn't do it that all other men should also not do it and it's wrong for them to do it simply because I don't want them to do it because I would never do it myself. I just don't subscribe to these sorts of moral restrictions on the actions I may or may not take. It's all circumstantial but I don't believe any action I did take would be evil but rather would be good because I know myself and I know I am a good person. Though, my actions may in fact significantly differ from what others think is good or evil.

If I had total freedom to be Genghis Khan, I wouldn't just murder people for sport and I wouldn't treat women with 0 humanity. Do you think Genghis Khan was also devoid of any emotion and total evil psychopath? Hardly. That has never been the case of our reality since the dawn of time.

Since your seem fascinated by how am I, let me say that I guarantee if I ran society, the outcome for you and your people would be better than it is now and you would like a society run by me more than you like the current society if you had an open mind to it and weren't stuck on keeping to how things were before I took over. You can gauge whether something is good or bad based on the outcome. You can measure the results. Right now in society, we have results. You can measure things like happiness, loneliness, quality of life, economic prosperity, freedom, feelings of accomplishment, feelings of being needed, love, passion, alienation, breakups, tiredness, frustration and everything that one measures of a society and its people that is tangible. If there are objectively good things, I believe that at the core we both would agree on what those things are. Not a value like good means women have equality to men, that's not what I mean but rather good in how people feel about the lives they're living at the core. A value like the aforementioned is supposed to exist to then provide value to people because without it things are supposed to be worse than with it and this measure of better or worse has nothing to do with the value in itself but how such a value impacts everyone else in the society. I would propose that a society run the way I wanted to run things would be better for you and I than the current society or even a society run by you. Lastly, I could make my society adhere exactly to Christianity also if I wanted to. That's the beauty of Christianity and the ugly of it.

Answering your last question is actually more difficult than you think because how would I know for certain Christianity was in fact true? The answer to that changes absolutely everything. What about Christianity is in fact true that isn't already true now? Presuming it's all true then nothing changes. It isn't the truth of Christianity that matters to me but the result of Christianity. I would change nothing about the way I am living now regardless of the truth of Christianity. It isn't truth that concerns me but results. If one wants me to live "like a Christian" in the way in which you or another Christian defines it then provide for me value to live that way. If not living like a Christian provides more value to me than living like a Christian why would I live like a Christian? What am I sacrifice for? To go to heaven? I don't care. You say I care. Make me care. Words will never convince me of anything. The only thing that will convince me is tangible results and/or feelings. The thing about Christianity is that many of its adherents are people I would never want to be like. I don't like the way they act nor do I enjoy their company. Want me to be Christian then show me that Christians are people that I do like and want to act like. They aren't and until then I wouldn't want to live in such a Christian society.

Keep in mind that your idea of a Christian has differed in different periods of time. The Holy Roman Empire and the Knights Templar were much different Christians than modern evangelicals.

At the end of the day, I do not care about the lore of any worldview. Flat Earth, Christianity, Islam, Greek Gods/Goddesses, Evil Jews, this that or the other thing. I only care about how the values/beliefs of these things impact me directly in a tangible and concrete manner. Christianity can be useful if the words of the religion have strength enough to change people in a manner that would benefit me but the way in which Christianity often changes modern people is in a manner I happen to dislike not like. I find the men in Christianity and Christians overall to be a little too weak/soft for me and I find the women to be too unattractive to me (in personality not looks). In this sense, I don't believe Christianity holds any value for me because I wouldn't want to be Christian based on what I've observed of Christians nor do I want other people to be Christian based on what I've observed the people who are Christians in being.

I definitely believe in God though but I don't believe that means going to church and living my life the way another human wants me to. I am already living exactly how God wants me to live. I am me, the way God intended and I don't need to change me at all. My purpose is to serve God's will and that is what I am doing by living like me. If God wanted me to be a warlord, then I'd be one. Do I enjoy my life now? Not particularly but most people in life have never liked their life because my life isn't my own. I am living out the life God chose for me. I have no real say in how I am to live. The life I want is unattainable so I just live until I die and in that sense my life is already over so I'm just playing the game in the credits now. I can hypothesize how things could be better, discuss things, fantasize, imagine, care and not care about happenings to maybe hope or despair but I can't truly change anything for the better for me because anything I want is entirely unattainable even if I fully embraced your Christianity, it still wouldn't provide for me what I wanted, it would just be another interaction of some form of coping while I wait until I die.

33 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Your Blood Meridian looks like a good suggestion. I'll probably actually read this, thanks.

How do you propose I live like a warlord? I'm not stupid, as you've pointed out. You haven't "got me" just because I'm not living the way I want to live. Imagine you asked a Lion who was caged at the zoo why he wasn't living like a Lion in wild and then you accused that Lion of not walking the talk. Of course he isn't living like a wild Lion because he's in a cage in a zoo not out in the wild. I am forced to adapt to my circumstances and these circumstances do not allow me to live like a warlord. Only one man has lived exactly like Genghis Khan in the history of humanity, so to suggest I can just go out and become more Genghis Khan than Genghis Khan himself is absurd and it is also absurd to then suggest I am somehow inconsistent in my overall being ("but I feel that it's a big tell if you aren't actually living as if what you believe is true") simply because I am not living that way when it doesn't make sense to live that way given the current situation I find myself in.

Obviously, much of what I've spoken too is idealistic not realistic. I've said as much: " An ideal civilization for me would..."

Keep in mind that what I say I am fine with isn't necessarily what I would do myself. You are correct in that assertion. I do not believe I must solidify a set of morals for myself that everyone else must also follow. Each person is different. One man may in fact go around and enslave children, while another man wouldn't. I don't have to take a position that because I wouldn't do it that all other men should also not do it and it's wrong for them to do it simply because I don't want them to do it because I would never do it myself. I just don't subscribe to these sorts of moral restrictions on the actions I may or may not take. It's all circumstantial but I don't believe any action I did take would be evil but rather would be good because I know myself and I know I am a good person. Though, my actions may in fact significantly differ from what others think is good or evil.

If I had total freedom to be Genghis Khan, I wouldn't just murder people for sport and I wouldn't treat women with 0 humanity. Do you think Genghis Khan was also devoid of any emotion and total evil psychopath? Hardly. That has never been the case of our reality since the dawn of time.

Since your seem fascinated by how am I, let me say that I guarantee if I ran society, the outcome for you and your people would be better than it is now and you would like a society run by me more than you like the current society if you had an open mind to it and weren't stuck on keeping to how things were before I took over. You can gauge whether something is good or bad based on the outcome. You can measure the results. Right now in society, we have results. You can measure things like happiness, loneliness, quality of life, economic prosperity, freedom, feelings of accomplishment, feelings of being needed, love, passion, alienation, breakups, tiredness, frustration and everything that one measures of a society and its people that is tangible. If there are objectively good things, I believe that at the core we both would agree on what those things are. Not a value like good means women have equality to men, that's not what I mean but rather good in how people feel about the lives they're living at the core. A value like the aforementioned is supposed to exist to then provide value to people because without it things are supposed to be worse than with it and this measure of better or worse has nothing to do with the value in itself but how such a value impacts everyone else in the society. I would propose that a society run the way I wanted to run things would be better for you and I than the current society or even a society run by you. Lastly, I could make my society adhere exactly to Christianity also if I wanted to. That's the beauty of Christianity and the ugly of it.

Answering your last question is actually more difficult than you think because how would I know for certain Christianity was in fact true? The answer to that changes absolutely everything. What about Christianity is in fact true that isn't already true now? Presuming it's all true then nothing changes. It isn't the truth of Christianity that matters to me but the result of Christianity. I would change nothing about the way I am living now regardless of the truth of Christianity. It isn't truth that concerns me but results. If one wants me to live "like a Christian" in the way in which you or another Christian defines it then provide for me value to live that way. If not living like a Christian provides more value to me than living like a Christian why would I live like a Christian? What am I sacrifice for? To go to heaven? I don't care. You say I care. Make me care. Words will never convince me of anything. The only thing that will convince me is tangible results and/or feelings. The thing about Christianity is that many of its adherents are people I would never want to be like. I don't like the way they act nor do I enjoy their company. Want me to be Christian then show me that Christians are people that I do like and want to act like. They aren't and until then I wouldn't want to live in such a Christian society.

Keep in mind that your idea of a Christian has differed in different periods of time. The Holy Roman Empire and the Knights Templar were much different Christians than modern evangelicals.

At the end of the day, I do not care about the lore of any worldview. Flat Earth, Christianity, Islam, Greek Gods/Goddesses, Evil Jews, this that or the other thing. I only care about how the values/beliefs of these things impact me directly in a tangible and concrete manner. Christianity can be useful if the words of the religion have strength enough to change people in a manner that would benefit me but the way in which Christianity often changes modern people is in a manner I happen to dislike not like. I find the men in Christianity and Christians overall to be a little too weak/soft for me and I find the women to be too unattractive to me (in personality not looks). In this sense, I don't believe Christianity holds any value for me because I wouldn't want to be Christian based on what I've observed of Christians nor do I want other people to be Christian based on what I've observed the people who are Christians in being.

I definitely believe in God though but I don't believe that means going to church and living my life the way another human wants me to. I am already living exactly how God wants me to live. I am me, the way God intended and I don't need to change me at all. My purpose is to serve God's will and that is what I am doing by living like me.

33 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Your Blood Meridian looks like a good suggestion. I'll probably actually read this, thanks.

How do you propose I live like a warlord? I'm not stupid, as you've pointed out. You haven't "got me" just because I'm not living the way I want to live. Imagine you asked a Lion who was caged at the zoo why he wasn't living like a Lion in wild and then you accused that Lion of not walking the talk. Of course he isn't living like a wild Lion because he's in a cage in a zoo not out in the wild. I am forced to adapt to my circumstances and these circumstances do not allow me to live like a warlord. Only one man has lived exactly like Genghis Khan in the history of humanity, so to suggest I can just go out and become more Genghis Khan than Genghis Khan himself is absurd and it is also absurd to then suggest I am somehow inconsistent in my overall being ("but I feel that it's a big tell if you aren't actually living as if what you believe is true") simply because I am not living that way when it doesn't make sense to live that way given the current situation I find myself in.

Obviously, much of what I've spoken too is idealistic not realistic. I've said as much: " An ideal civilization for me would..."

Keep in mind that what I say I am fine with isn't necessarily what I would do myself. You are correct in that assertion. I do not believe I must solidify a set of morals for myself that everyone else must also follow. Each person is different. One man may in fact go around and enslave children, while another man wouldn't. I don't have to take a position that because I wouldn't do it that all other men should also not do it and it's wrong for them to do it simply because I don't want them to do it because I would never do it myself. I just don't subscribe to these sorts of moral restrictions on the actions I may or may not take. It's all circumstantial but I don't believe any action I did take would be evil but rather would be good because I know myself and I know I am a good person. Though, my actions may in fact significantly differ from what others think is good or evil.

If I had total freedom to be Genghis Khan, I wouldn't just murder people for sport and I wouldn't treat women with 0 humanity. Do you think Genghis Khan was also devoid of any emotion and total evil psychopath? Hardly. That has never been the case of our reality since the dawn of time.

Since your seem fascinated by how am I, let me say that I guarantee if I ran society, the outcome for you and your people would be better than it is now and you would like a society run by me more than you like the current society if you had an open mind to it and weren't stuck on keeping to how things were before I took over. You can gauge whether something is good or bad based on the outcome. You can measure the results. Right now in society, we have results. You can measure things like happiness, loneliness, quality of life, economic prosperity, freedom, feelings of accomplishment, feelings of being needed, love, passion, alienation, breakups, tiredness, frustration and everything that one measures of a society and its people that is tangible. If there are objectively good things, I believe that at the core we both would agree on what those things are. Not a value like good means women have equality to men, that's not what I mean but rather good in how people feel about the lives they're living at the core. A value like the aforementioned is supposed to exist to then provide value to people because without it things are supposed to be worse than worse it and this measure of better or worse has nothing to do with the value in itself but how such a value impacts everyone else in the society. I would propose that a society run the way I wanted to run things would be better for you and I than the current society or even a society run by you. Lastly, I could make my society adhere exactly to Christianity also if I wanted to. That's the beauty of Christianity and the ugly of it.

Answering your last question is actually more difficult than you think because how would I know for certain Christianity was in fact true? The answer to that changes absolutely everything. What about Christianity is in fact true that isn't already true now? Presuming it's all true then nothing changes. It isn't the truth of Christianity that matters to me but the result of Christianity. I would change nothing about the way I am living now regardless of the truth of Christianity. It isn't truth that concerns me but results. If one wants me to live "like a Christian" in the way in which you or another Christian defines it then provide for me value to live that way. If not living like a Christian provides more value to me than living like a Christian why would I live like a Christian? What am I sacrifice for? To go to heaven? I don't care. You say I care. Make me care. Words will never convince me of anything. The only thing that will convince me is tangible results and/or feelings. The thing about Christianity is that many of its adherents are people I would never want to be like. I don't like the way they act nor do I enjoy their company. Want me to be Christian then show me that Christians are people that I do like and want to act like. They aren't and until then I wouldn't want to live in such a Christian society.

Keep in mind that your idea of a Christian has differed in different periods of time. The Holy Roman Empire and the Knights Templar were much different Christians than modern evangelicals.

At the end of the day, I do not care about the lore of any worldview. Flat Earth, Christianity, Islam, Greek Gods/Goddesses, Evil Jews, this that or the other thing. I only care about how the values/beliefs of these things impact me directly in a tangible and concrete manner. Christianity can be useful if the words of the religion have strength enough to change people in a manner that would benefit me but the way in which Christianity often changes modern people is in a manner I happen to dislike not like. I find the men in Christianity and Christians overall to be a little too weak/soft for me and I find the women to be too unattractive to me (in personality not looks). In this sense, I don't believe Christianity holds any value for me because I wouldn't want to be Christian based on what I've observed of Christians nor do I want other people to be Christian based on what I've observed the people who are Christians in being.

I definitely believe in God though but I don't believe that means going to church and living my life the way another human wants me to. I am already living exactly how God wants me to live. I am me, the way God intended and I don't need to change me at all. My purpose is to serve God's will and that is what I am doing by living like me.

33 days ago
1 score