It’s niggification. That standard goes back much further in nigger culture. They have to have something to twerk and what not.
Do I think it’s deliberate in that there’s some puppet master doing this? Not really. It’s decades and decades of destroying the American black and worshipping them the whole way down. No one was doing this when black icons were Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole, now that all is left is the lowest of the low niggers, you gotta follow whatever trend Lil Ho Fucker records on his latest ape sounds album.
It’s niggification. That standard goes back much further in nigger culture. They have to have something to twerk and what not.
Do I think it’s deliberate in that there’s some puppet master doing this. It’s decades and decades of destroying the American black and worshipping them the whole way down. No one was doing this when black icons were Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole, now that all is left is the lowest of the low niggers, you gotta follow whatever trend Lil Ho Fucker records on his latest ape sounds album.