A very interesting point.
It seems the elites were very quick and zealous in insisting we don't hold anyone accountable for producing viruses specifically tailord to infect humans, and leaking the Wuhan Coronavirus.
While nuclear energy was abandonned in places that pretend that we are facing impending doom from GHG emissions that could be decreased massively by nuclear energy, because an accident showed it was too dangerous ( more dangerous than an impending climate apocalypse, apparently ).
Why isn't Gain of Function research treated as the potentially ''mankind-ending mad scientist playing God'' it is?
A very interesting point.
It seems the elites were very quick and zealous in insisting we don't hold anyone accountable for producing viruses specifically tailord to infect humans, and leaking the Wuhan Coronavirus.
While nuclear energy was abandonned in places that pretend that we are facing impending doom from GHG emissions that could be decreased massively by nuclear energy, because an accident showed it was too dangerous ( more dangerous than an impending climate apocalypse, apparently ).
Why isn't Gain of Function research treated as the potentially mankind-ending mad scientist playing God it is?
A very interesting point.
It seems the elites were very quick and zealous in insisting we don't hold anyone accountable for producing viruses specifically tailord to infect humans, and leaking the Wuhan Coronavirus.
While nuclear energy was abandonned in places that pretend that we are facing impending doom from GHG emissions that could be decreased massively by nuclear energy.