Capcom, where basic Quality of Life in a full-price game is a DLC.
( Dragon's Dogma 2, (CAD)$95, packed with microtransactions. Made tedious for the sake of microtransactions. Oh and malware DRM always-online single-player game. Fuck Capcom. DD2 has potential once it get fixed on the High Seas. )
Capcom, where basic Quality of Life in a full-price game is a DLC.
( Dragon's Dogma 2, (CAD)$95, packed with microtransactions. Made tedious for the sake of microtransactions. Oh and malware DRM always-online single-player game. Fuck Capcom. )
Capcom, where basic Quality of Life in a full-price game is a DLC.
( Dragon's Dogma 2, (CAD)$95, packed with microtransactions. Made tedious for tue sake of microtransactions. Oh and malware DRM always-online single-player game. Fuck Capcom. )
Capcom, where basic Quality of Life in a full-price game is a DLC.