"If you have any bias training that your officers under go, ... I ask because as a civil rights lawyer, I have learned, so many times, having to deal with law enforcement, that there is usually not a perception of a threat when it is a young white male even if they are carrying a long gun. Yet in a lot of times, at least in this country, when it comes to law enforcement there is a perceived threat just by someone having a bit more melanin in their skin" - Ms. Crockett, from Texas's 30th congressional district.
She also said some other bullshit. And yes, she looks exactly like you think she does.
Edit: Here is a tweet that covers it all https://twitter.com/WesternLensman/status/1815450599791435788
"If you have any bias training that your officers under go, ... I ask because as a civil rights lawyer, I have learned, so many times, having to deal with law enforcement, that there is usually not a perception of a threat when it is a young white male even if they are carrying a long gun. Yet in a lot of times, at least in this country, when it comes to law enforcement there is a perceived threat just by someone having a bit more melanin in their skin" - Ms. Crockett, from Texas's 30th congressional district.
She also said some other bullshit. And yes, she looks exactly like you think she does.
Here is a tweet that covers it all https://twitter.com/WesternLensman/status/1815450599791435788
"If you have any bias training that your officers under go, ... I ask because as a civil rights lawyer, I have learned, so many times, having to deal with law enforcement, that there is usually not a perception of a threat when it is a young white male even if they are carrying a long gun. Yet in a lot of times, at least in this country, when it comes to law enforcement there is a perceived threat just by someone having a bit more melanin in their skin" - Ms. Crockett, from Texas's 30th congressional district.
She also said some other bullshit. And yes, she looks exactly like you think she does.