Lower-class people can't conceptualize the future (incapable of abstraction), buy everything on credit (it's "free money"), and only care if the monthly payments don't go over their meager wages (can only do basic addition/subtraction, nevermind complex shit like percentages or compounding).
The current stagflation and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis were created from giving poorfags money they didn't deserve.
Lower-class people can't conceptualize the future (incapable of abstraction), buy everything on credit (it's "free money"), and only care if the monthly payments don't go over their meager wages (can only do basic addition/subtraction, nevermind complex shit like percentages or compounding).
The current stagflation and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis were created from giving poorfags money when they didn't deserve it.
Lower-class people can't conceptualize the future (incapable of abstraction), buy everything on credit (it's "free money"), and only care if the monthly payments don't go over their meager wages (can only do basic first-grade addition/subtraction).
The current stagflation and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis were created from giving poorfags money when they didn't deserve it.
Lower-class people can't conceptualize the future (incapable of abstraction), buy everything on credit (it's "free money"), and only care if the monthly payments don't go over their meager wages (can only do basic first-grade addition/subtraction).
The current stagflation and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis were created from giving poorfags money when they didn't deserve it. Instead of paying for rent or food, these fuckers used their stimmies to buy Rolexes and monkey jpegs.
Lower-class people can't conceptualize the future (incapable of abstraction), buy everything on credit (it's "free money"), and only care if the monthly payments don't go over their meager wages (can only do basic first-grade addition/subtraction).
The current stagflation and the 2008 Global Financial Crisis were created from giving poorfags money when they didn't deserve it. Instead of paying for rent or food, these fuckers used stimmies to buy Rolexes and monkey jpegs.