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Reason: None provided.

I wouldn't even call it good. Just not total shit like the rest. I'd put every season of the real 5 ST series, TOS, TNG,DS9,VOY, and ENT above Season 3 of Picard. Yep, even Move Along Home and Threshold are more watchable than Season 3 of Picard. But Picard S3 is leaps and bounds better than all other nu-Trek. It's at the top of the list for everything post Enterprise, but still below everything Enterprise and prior. S3 of Picard still suffers from the awful single story "8 hour movie cut into 10 segments" type of story telling, it's still overly grim and dark, still uses overplayed and hackneyed plot points, ignores massive amounts of previously established lore and character development, only tried to capture the essence of real Trek maybe two or three times in the whole series, but doesn't even pull it off because it relies too much on surface level emotion tugging memberberries, and at the end of the day it's still forced to pretend the previous two seasons happened, so that thousand ton boat anchor dragged it down no matter what it tried to do.

I pirated it and didn't hate watching it. That's about all the praise I can give it. I'll never rewatch it and I don't consider it or any other part of Picard canon. It had a handful of "I guess it's neat seeing that mentioned again for the first time in 20 years" moments, but overall it repaired about 1% of the damage the rest of nu-Trek inflicted on the franchise. I appreciate the effort Terry Matalas made in trying to make something that wasn't smugly and deliberately trying to shit in the mouth of Trek fans, but it was too little too late.

It's a shame, because there could have been a really compelling story in Picard with better writers who know and respect what came before. DS9 gave them a perfect setup for that kind of story. You write it so that the Dominion War changed the Federation and Starfleet for the worse. The younger generation grew up and joined Starfleet when it was nothing but fighting the Maquis, then the brief war with the Klingons, then years of war against the Dominion. It made it so the older generation of explorers and diplomats like Picard are edged out by cynical warrior type captains and admirals. Picard is "gently encouraged" to retire as Starfleet command no longer respects his optimism. Same with the rest of the crew moving on to more "out to pasture" roles like Geordi taking command of the museum. Introduce a new threat that the militarized Starfleet reacts to with wanting to use force, but Picard is somehow aware that diplomacy is the only solution, and go from there. Throw in some Bajor joining the Federation, the rebuilding of Cardassia post-war, an appearance of Chancellor Martok to get a Klingon angle, the truce with the Romulans starting to show cracks now that the war is over, etc. There's plenty there for a good writer to work with. End the series with a new crew on a new Enterprise (and not stupidly renaming a tiny obsolete Constitution class v3, but a real top of the line flagship), maybe ask a few of the Voyager or DS9 actors who haven't had steady work if they want to be in it. Maybe a Captain Harry Kim or Tom Paris. Throw in an adult Jake Sisco as a civilian in some sort of role documenting the new journeys. Round out the crew with some fresh faces and then have that series go back to classic 1 episode 1 plot storytelling adventures.

5 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I wouldn't even call it good. Just not total shit like the rest. I'd put every season of the real 5 ST series, TOS, TNG,DS9,VOY, and ENT above Season 3 of Picard. Yep, even Move Along Home and Threshold are more watchable than Season 3 of Picard. But Picard S3 is leaps and bounds better than all other nu-Trek. It's at the top of the list for everything post Enterprise, but still below everything Enterprise and prior. S3 of Picard still suffers from the awful single story "8 hour movie cut into 10 segments" type of story telling, it's still overly grim and dark, still uses overplayed and hackneyed plot points, ignores massive amounts of previously established lore and character development, only tried to capture the essence of real Trek maybe two or three times in the whole series, but doesn't even pull it off because it relies too much on surface level emotion tugging memberberries, and at the end of the day it's still forced to pretend the previous two seasons happened, so that thousand ton boat anchor dragged it down no matter what it tried to do.

I pirated it and didn't hate watching it. That's about all the praise I can give it. I'll never rewatch it and I don't consider it or any other part of Picard canon. It had a handful of "I guess it's neat seeing that mentioned again for the first time in 20 years" moments, but overall it repaired about 1% of the damage the rest of nu-Trek inflicted on the franchise. I appreciate the effort Terry Matalas made in trying to make something that wasn't smugly and deliberately trying to shit in the mouth of Trek fans, but it was too little too late.

It's a shame, because there could have been a really compelling story in Picard with better writers who know and respect what came before. DS9 gave them a perfect setup for that kind of story. You write it so that the Dominion War changed the Federation and Starfleet for the worse. The younger generation grew up and joined Starfleet when it was nothing but fighting the Maquis, then the brief war with the Klingons, then years of war against the Dominion. It made it so the older generation of explorers and diplomats like Picard are edged out by cynical warrior type captains and admirals. Picard is "gently encouraged" to retire as Starfleet command no longer respects his optimism. Same with the rest of the crew moving on to more "out to pasture" roles like Geordi taking command of the museum. Introduce a new that that the militarized Starfleet reacts to with wanting to use force, but Picard is somehow aware that diplomacy is the only solution, and go from there. Throw in some Bajor joining the Federation, the rebuilding of Cardassia post-war, an appearance of Chancellor Martok to get a Klingon angle, the truce with the Romulans starting to show cracks now that the war is over, etc. There's plenty there for a good writer to work with. End the series with a new crew on a new Enterprise (and not stupidly renaming a tiny obsolete Constitution class v3, but a real top of the line flagship), maybe ask a few of the Voyagers or DS9 actors who haven't had steady work if they want to be in it. Maybe a Captain Harry Kim or Tom Paris. Throw in an adult Jake Sisco as a civilian in some sort of role documenting the new journeys. Round out the crew with some fresh faces and then have that series go back to classic 1 episode 1 plot storytelling adventures.

5 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I wouldn't even call it good. Just not total shit like the rest. I'd put every season of the real 5 ST series, TOS, TNG,DS9,VOY, and ENT above Season 3 of Picard. Yep, even Move Along Home and Threshold are more watchable than Season 3 of Picard. But Picard S3 is leaps and bounds better than all other nu-Trek. It's at the top of the list for everything post Enterprise, but still below everything Enterprise and prior. S3 of Picard still suffers from the awful single story "8 hour movie cut into 10 segments" type of story telling, it's still overly grim and dark, still uses overplayed and hackneyed plot points, ignores massive amounts of previously established lore and character development, only tried to capture the essence of real Trek maybe two or three times in the whole series, but doesn't even pull it off because it relies too much on surface level emotion tugging memberberries, and at the end of the day it's still forced to pretend the previous two seasons happened, so that thousand ton boat anchor dragged it down no matter what it tried to do.

I pirated it and didn't hate watching it. That's about all the praise I can give it. I'll never rewatch it and I don't consider it or any other part of Picard canon. It had a handful of "I guess it's neat seeing that mentioned again for the first time in 20 years" moments, but overall it repaired about 1% of the damage the rest of nu-Trek inflicted on the franchise. I appreciate the effort Terry Matalas made in trying to make something that wasn't smugly and deliberately trying to shit in the mouth of Trek fans, but it was too little too late.

5 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

I wouldn't even call it good. Just not total shit like the rest. I'd put every season of the real 5 ST series, TOS, TNG,DS9,VOY, and ENT above Season 3 of Picard. Yep, even Move Along Home and Threshold are more watchable than Season 3 of Picard. But Lived S3 is leaps and bounds better than all other nu-Trek. It's at the top of the list for everything post Enterprise, but still below everything Enterprise and prior. S3 of Picard still suffers from the awful single story "8 hour movie cut into 10 segments" type of story telling, it's still overly grim and dark, still uses overplayed and hackneyed plot points, ignores massive amounts of previously established lore, only tried to capture the essence of real Trek maybe two or three times in the whole series, but doesn't even pull it off because it relies too much on surface level emotion tugging memberberries, and say the end of the day it's still forced to pretend the previous two seasons happened, so that thousand ton boat anchor dragged it down no matter what it tried to do.

I pirated it and didn't hate watching it. That's about all the praise I can give it. I'll never rewatch it and I don't consider it or any other part of Picard canon. It had a handful of "I guess it's neat seeing that mentioned again for the first time in 20 years" moments, but overall it repaired about 1% of the damage the rest of nu-Trek inflicted on the franchise. I appreciate the effort Terry Matalas made in trying to make something that wasn't smugly and deliberately trying to shit in the mouth of Trek fans, but it was too little too late.

5 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I wouldn't even call it good. Just not total shit like the rest. I'd put every season of the real 5 ST series, TOS, TNG,DS9,VOY, and ENT above Season 3 of Picard. Yep, even Move Along Home and Threshold are more watchable than Season 3 of Picard. But Lived S3 is leaps and bounds better than all other nu-Trek. It's at the top of the list for everything post Enterprise, but still below everything Enterprise and prior.

5 days ago
1 score