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Reason: None provided.

I actually find myself agreeing with you, community operated servers and providing more options for private sessions would definitely help solve this big time as others often suggest on this site. I mean if we're going to talk about absolutely scum of the earth 'gamers' GTA V online is a classic example of what happens when low IQ retards invade a game and just wreck everything.

It's all gotten worse now because of the script kiddies invading and buying cheats to go fuck up the experience for everybody else. I like referencing GTA V because it's such brilliant example of shameless behaviour that you're describing. Racing is one of these things that frequently pops up in normie tube as the thing to do in GTA, what happens if you log in even as an account with good history? You immediately get rammed five seconds after starting, which is how you know you've got a bunch of 10 year olds and trolls on your hands.

I think you could still make a multiplayer game these days and make it good with matchmaking. However the developers have no interest in doing any kind of decent design and fixing all these exploits at the very least and removing ways for retards to fuck up matches because all they care about is getting their next RL Lamborghini with all these kids endlessly buying shark cards to power level their way through the game.

Especially with 'team based' multiplayer games I'm banning myself from even playing them now even CS:2 because of the level of retard you'll encounter on these games. If they don't cater to solo players I'm simply done, never again, I can absolutely see why as a result co-op gaming has become more of a thing, I get it.

4 days ago
4 score
Reason: None provided.

I actually find myself agreeing with you, community operated servers and providing more options for private sessions would definitely help solve this big time as others often suggest on this site. I mean if we're going to talk about absolutely scum of the earth 'gamers' GTA V online is a classic example of what happens when low IQ retards invade a game and just wreck everything.

It's all gotten worse now because of the script kiddies invading and buying cheats to go fuck up the experience for everybody else. I like referencing GTA V because it's such brilliant example of shameless behaviour that you're describing. Rracing is one of these things that frequently pops up in normie tube as the thing to do in GTA, what happens if you log in even as an account with good history? You immediately get rammed five seconds after starting, which is how you know you've got a bunch of 10 year olds and trolls on your hands.

I think you could still make a multiplayer game these days and make it good with matchmaking. However the developers have no interest in doing any kind of decent design and fixing all these exploits at the very least and removing ways for retards to fuck up matches because all they care about is getting their next RL Lamborghini with all these kids endlessly buying shark cards to power level their way through the game.

Especially with 'team based' multiplayer games I'm banning myself from even playing them now even CS:2 because of the level of retard you'll encounter on these games. If they don't cater to solo players I'm simply done, never again, I can absolutely see why as a result co-op gaming has become more of a thing, I get it.

4 days ago
4 score
Reason: Original

I actually find myself agreeing with you, community operated servers and providing more options for private sessions would definitely help solve this big time as others often suggest on this site. I mean if we're going to talk about absolutely scum of the earth 'gamers' GTA V online is a classic example of what happens when low IQ retards invade a game and just wreck everything.

It's all gotten worse now because of the script kiddies invading and buying cheats to go fuck up the experience for everybody else. I like referencing GTA V because it's such brilliant example of shameless behaviour that you're describing. I mean racing is one of these things that frequently pops up in normie tube as the thing to do in GTA, what happens if you log in even as an account with good history? You immediately get rammed five seconds after starting, which is how you know you've got a bunch of 10 year olds and trolls on your hands.

I think you could still make a multiplayer game these days and make it good with matchmaking. However the developers have no interest in doing any kind of decent design and fixing all these exploits at the very least and removing ways for retards to fuck up matches because all they care about is getting their next RL Lamborghini with all these kids endlessly buying shark cards to power level their way through the game.

Especially with 'team based' multiplayer games I'm banning myself from even playing them now even CS:2 because of the level of retard you'll encounter on these games. If they don't cater to solo players I'm simply done, never again, I can absolutely see why as a result co-op gaming has become more of a thing, I get it.

5 days ago
1 score